Displaying Names Starting with  V   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z   
Valdez Frank 82 3E 219 14 05-13-1946 05-13-1946 x PC
Valdez Juan B. Elinor 65 4E 180 1 11-12-1879 06-14-1947 x
Valentine Albert P. unmarried 45 4W 29 8 02-26-1872 02-06-1951 x x
Valentine Frank O. unmarried 45 4W 29 7 03-04-1867 03-30-1955 x x
Valentine Glen Curtis Grace 96 6 61 1B 07-31-1942 05-29-2009 x x 1st-Carol
Valentine Hazel Lucille Curtis James 96 6 61 2 08-21-1917 07-02-1998 x x Lucille
Valentine Henry unmarried 45 4W 29 1 00-00-1874 07-20-1939 x x farm accident
Valentine James Otis Hazel 96 6 61 1 02-21-1914 08-25-1977 x x
Valentine William Greene unmarried 45 4W 29 2 00-00-1871 01-13-1940 x x
Valle Delores 82 3E 221 6 08-29-1933 08-29-1933 x PC
VanBrimmer Coral Marie 22 2 61 1 00-00-1911 06-20-1913 x x x whooping cough
VanBuskirk Ernest P. married 31 1 205 5 00-00-1879 06-14-1963 x x
VanBuskirk Infant Girl 71 4E 221 6 03-05-1953 03-06-1953 x x
Vance George L. Ida 58 3W 112 2 01-31-1880 01-20-1959 x x
Vance Ida Havner George 58 3W 112 1 08-07-1878 05-13-1956 x x
VanDercook Anna Elizabeth Wedemeyer Charles 83 5 54 2 07-28-1916 02-12-2005 x x Elizabeth
VanDercook Charles Richard Anna 83 5 54 1 10-28-1912 08-31-1979 x x Dick
Vandiver Vernon Eugene Wilda 116 6 185 1 10-31-1916 02-25-1994 x x
Vandiver Wilda Lorraine Klepper Vernon 116 6 185 2 03-25-1917 08-21-2004 x x
VanDyke Abiah Pauline Molletti married 65 4E 177 7 02-18-1915 11-10-1979 x x
VanLeuven Judd Edmund 59 4E 140 2 12-17-1914 01-22-1945 x x asphixiation
VanLeuven Lee Franklin Zolo 59 4E 140 4 08-15-1888 06-20-1976 x x
VanLeuven Zolo Elizabeth Haney Lee 59 4E 140 4 01-18-1885 09-24-1984 x x
VanOrtwick Alice 12 2 155 00-00-1915 04-06-1915 x x NR baby of Carl 4 mo.old
VanOrtwick Alice Penina Moore George 12 2 155 3 03-19-1868 04-03-1941 x x
VanOrtwick Cecil D. married 79 5 31 2 07-29-1908 12-11-1964 x x
VanOrtwick Eugene E. unmarried 01-21-1909 x NR Gene
VanOrtwick Frances Marion 07-04-1848 03-25-1924 x NR
VanOrtwick George Gilbert Alice 12 2 155 1 01-29-1854 03-12-1929 x x
VanOrtwick Raymond Eugene unmarried 29 1 187 6 11-29-1888 03-10-1955 x x
VanOrtwick Richard Gilbert 12 2 155 2 10-23-1924 02-17-1936 x x
VanPelt Donald Edward Mary 127 8 70 1 04-19-1924 03-29-2019 x x
VanPelt Mary E. Weitzel Don 127 8 70 2 03-14-1921 07-03-2018 x x
VanSkike Dora Leota 40 2 120 1 11-08-1911 07-29-1923 x x horse accident
VanSkike Infant 40 2 120 x NR
VanSkike James Jr. Walter Mary 40 2 120 3 01-28-1916 08-19-1997 x x
VanSkike Mary Elizabeth Reffalt James 40 2 120 T3 07-08-1920 01-02-1998 x
VanWart Maynard Alvin Vera 43 4W 21 04-20-1911 08-06-1939 x x drowning
VanWey Jonathan LeRoy unmarried 152 12 32 1 03-08-2001 05-02-2019 x MVA w/ Driskell
Varisco Donald married 81 5 40 4 05-28-1910 08-26-1967 x x
Vaudrey James T. Jewell 48 3W 42 3 12-02-1913 07-22-1973 x x
Vaudrey James Walter Matilda 48 3W 42 1 00-00-1880 12-17-1973 x x
Vaudrey Jewell Drue Gorrell James T. 48 3W 42 4 02-29-1912 03-21-2016 x x 104 yrs.
Vaudrey Matilda Torgerson James W. 48 3W 42 2 00-00-1892 04-08-1970 x x
Vega Female Joseph 04-05-1922 x NR
Veldy Edward F. 8 2 21 4 00-00-1872 08-31-1905 x Swan Land cowboy
Vermilyea Clyde married 82 3E 248 4 07-13-1897 11-22-1978 x x
Vermilyea Erma Frances Rutherford Forest 96 6 53 4 11-12-1917 06-19-2009 x x
Vermilyea Florence Isabelle Downing Joseph 82 3E 248 1 11-02-1869 10-25-1963 x x
Vermilyea Florence Uva Rutherford Revel 82 3E 248 3 07-02-1912 07-16-1985 x x
Vermilyea Forest Hampton Erma 96 6 53 3 08-08-1900 06-16-1986 x x Tot
Vermilyea Joseph Clader Florence D. 45 4W 36 4 12-19-1869 11-15-1934 x x
Vermilyea Peggy Louise Vermilyea married 96 6 53 09-10-1940 11-19-2008 x x SO 1st Loftus
Vermilyea Revel Cory Florence R. 82 3E 248 2 08-24-1906 03-28-1973 x x x WWII
Verplancke August William Zelma 92 6 27 1 04-20-1913 12-18-2002 x x x WWII Gus
Verplancke Zelma Z. Kindt August 92 6 27 2 05-07-1924 01-05-2010 x x x WWII WAC
Vigil Bessie Corina Vigil Juan 88 6 1 4 07-01-1914 05-18-1987 x x
Vigil Della R. 69 4E 196 13 04-12-1940 04-13-1940 x
Vigil Frances 82 3E 219 07-10-1947 07-22-1947 x x x twin PC
Vigil Joe Sr. E. Josephine 120 6 215 1 06-29-1910 04-12-1996 x x
Vigil Jose Dela Luz 00-00-1850 03-23-1933 x x NR Luz
Vigil Josephine Montoya Joe Sr. 120 6 215 2 06-01-1918 01-04-1999 x x
Vigil Juan Vicente Bessie 88 6 1 3 07-09-1906 01-22-1988 x x John
Vigil Kathy Lucille 90 6 26 1 00-00-1952 10-18-1969 x x drowning
Vigil Louis V. Marian 88 6 1 2 10-27-1935 11-15-2017 x x
Vigil Margaret Amelia 78 3E 196 5 00-00-1923 06-12-1932 x PC
Vigil Maria Victoria 82 3E 221 13 05-05-1934 08-18-1934 x x PC
Vigil Mary Margaret 90 6 26 2 00-00-1950 10-18-1969 x x drowning
Vigil Raymond unmarried 120 6 215 FT1 04-10-1956 10-27-2008 x x
Vigil Rose Ann 90 6 26 4 00-00-1949 10-18-1969 x x drowning
Vigil Rosendo 76 3E 194 6 10-24-1943 x x PC age 43
Vigis Gus 78 3E 197 8 PC
Villalogos Cendy Dalila 3E 05-19-1986 05-22-1986 x x
Villanvera Mercella 71 4E 221 1 07-25-1951 08-13-1951 x x
Villapando Infant Girl 71 4E 221 02-08-1953 02-11-1953 x x
Villapando Jose 07-20-1930 x NR drowning PC 25 yrs.
Vilott Donald D. Edna 119 8 15 4 04-01-1907 12-15-1996 x x 2nd-Patricia
Vilott Edna Katherine Donald 119 8 15 4B 08-17-1909 03-07-1990 x
Vines William H. Kris Mem ori ial Bldg 08-07-1938 08-16-2019 x x 1st-Sonja
Virant Elizabeth Louise Wagner Mark 126 6 251 2 09-21-1943 01-10-1987 x x 1st-D. Axford
Virant Mark Joseph Linda 150 12 71 1 10-18-1949 10-29-2023 x x 1st-Elizabeth
Vogt Auldon L. Marion 89 5 103 12-10-1916 10-31-2008
Vogt Darrel D. Dorothy Mem orial Bldg 02-10-1936 05-02-2021 x x
Vogt Frank Joseph Helen 73 4E 224 1 12-23-1898 12-24-1947 x x twin lockjaw
Vogt Helen Ruth Ryff Frank 73 4E 224 03-04-1908 04-29-1992 x x 1st-McCartney
Vogt Marion Bridgmon Auldon 89 5 103 12-23-1923 01-24-2015 x x 1st-Clack
Vogt Mary Ann William 73 4E 224 4 00-00-1873 05-02-1955 x x
Vogt Nina Franzen Virgil 95 5 142 2 04-26-1914 12-13-2002 x x
Vogt Virgil Frank Nina 95 5 142 1 03-17-1905 03-28-1987 x x
Vogt William Mary 73 4E 224 3 02-20-1872 04-30-1959 x x
Voight Albert Louis May 60 3W 127 3 12-15-1887 10-09-1961 x x
Voight May Whipple Albert 60 3W 127 4 05-13-1888 11-12-1967 x x
Volpe Marin Stephen Janetta 81 5 52 4 10-07-1907 09-10-1968 x x x WWII
Volz Craig Kennedy Zonala 130 7 30 3 08-30-1925 10-07-2020 x 1st Sara
Volz Sara Mae Dana Craig Mem orial Bldg 06-12-1926 12-14-1998 x x
Vonberg Harry Louis married 75 5 6 4 04-28-1903 02-17-1965 x x
VonForell Claudia Ellen Porter Wilbur 60 3W 125 3 01-22-1894 05-07-1954 x x
VonForell Gordon Earl Margot 60 3W 125 4B 12-05-1925 07-04-1994 x x x WWII 1st- Mary
VonForell Gordon II Earl 60 3W 125 4 06-05-1950 04-18-1968 x x
VonForell Wilbur Earl Margaret 60 3W 125 2 10-20-1894 11-12-1984 x x Earl 1st-Claudia
Vossler Wanda C. DeVeny married 81 5 41 2 04-06-1959 11-18-2010 x x