Displaying Names Starting with  G   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z   
Gaarder Inga Mary Edward 92 6 29 1 x x
Gaddie Marjorie Ella Griffen Roy 86 3E 226 4 03-06-1917 01-11-1990 x PC NS
Gaddis Alva D. Margaret 48 3W 48 3 01-14-1910 04-13-2000 x x SO
Gaddis Margaret Elizabeth Moore Alva 48 3W 48 4 03-21-1912 10-12-1999 x x SO 1st-Brown
Galgerud Jill Euginie Hilliker Ole 104 6 116 2 04-07-1933 03-14-2008 x x 1st-M. Holloway
Galgerud Ole J.T. Jill 104 6 116 2B 06-21-1925 05-09-2011 x x x 1st-Margaret
Gallegos George Thomas Betty 96 6 57 3 12-29-1941 04-08-1982 x x
Gallegos Isadora 82 3E 221 10 03-23-1933 05-11-1934 x x PC
Gallegos Jose Estevan Lois 121 8 33 1 11-05-1926 08-18-2010 x x x WWII (Navy) Korea(Army) Vietnam (Air Force)
Gallegos Lois L. Morton Jose 121 8 33 2 11-23-1931 09-02-2004 x x 1st- P. Stafford
Gallegos Mary Jane Baros Clifford 96 6 57 4 04-07-1917 05-08-1974 x x
Gallegos Paul Felciano 82 3E 219 5 00-00-1939 09-21-1939 x x PC 3 mo.
Galligar Celia Violet Maurer Julius 77 5 23 2 03-29-1908 03-08-1966 x x Buddy 1st-Montgomery
Galligar Edward William 94 6 46 3 09-19-1942 02-07-2003 x x x Ned Nat. Guard
Galligar Elizabeth Wilhelmine Bernhard Julius 32 2 215 1 04-17-1924 11-08-2021 x 1st Anderson Bettli
Galligar Gertrude Maurine Dunblazier Gertrude 94 6 46 2 07-13-1919 08-02-1990 x x Maurine
Galligar James Catherine 32 2 215 3 02-04-1861 12-07-1920 x x ranch accident
Galligar Jerry James 32 2 215 3N 08-30-1945 08-30-1945 x x
Galligar Jimmy 32 2 215 1 05-06-1902 05-19-1902 x x x stone date incorrect
Galligar Julius C. Celia 32/77 2/5 215/23 1 11-09-1898 05-04-2004 x x x WWI 1st stone blk 2 2nd-Elizabeth 105 yrs.
Galligar William Ralph Maurine 94 6 46 1 08-01-1905 12-09-1977 x x
Gamblin Cecelia Ellen Govern George 68 3E 171 2 07-05-1908 09-14-1988 x x
Gamblin George Roy Cecelia 68 3E 171 1 11-26-1902 02-10-1988 x x
Gano Betty Jean Fish Merritt Mem orial Build ing 11-13-1935 10-18-2018 x x
Gano Merritt W. Betty Mem orial Build ing 08-29-1917 09-22-2003 x x 1st-Jane
Garcia Alfred 11-20-1930 x NR 10 yrs. old
Garcia Barbara 82 3E 220 1 00-00-1928 12-27-1932 x PC
Garcia Damacio E. Edith 62 3W 140 4 01-17-1897 03-16-1957 x x x WWI Dan
Garcia Delores 78 3E 197 8 00-00-1927 05-09-1935 x PC
Garcia Edith E. Bender Damacio 62 3W 140 3 08-16-1904 03-04-1981 x x 1st-Rehder
Garcia Ernest John 82 3E 219 8 08-06-1941 01-01-1942 x x PC
Garcia Jennie Susan 82 3E 219 10 00-00-1942 01-02-1943 x x PC age 6 mo.
Garcia Jesus 78 3E 197 6 11-18-1934 x PC train accident age 23
Garcia Juanita Alex 09-29-1930 x NR age 22
Gardner Margaret Eveline Snodgrass Emery 28 2 205 12-02-1875 11-24-1901 x x Maggie childbirth
Garlock Bessie 4 2 11 2 x NR
Garlock Edla Harrietta 4 2 11 1 11-11-1911 11-24-1911 x x x 3 infants here
Garlock Grace Natalie Pence Harry C. 2 2 4 2 00-00-1889 10-03-1973 x
Garlock Harry Carter Grace 2 2 4 2 11-27-1875 04-26-1932 x x
Garretson Roland Malcolm 91 5 106 1 09-03-1921 05-27-1975 x x x WWII
Garrett Eleanor Dam Harold Mem ori al Bldg 09-18-1909 10-17-2002 x x Westside Grocery
Garrett Harold William Eleanor Mem ori al Bldg 01-08-1908 01-31-1996 x x Westside Grocery
Garrett M. Luella Patrick Robert 66 3E 160 4 09-04-1884 01-31-1984 x x
Garrett Robert Noel Luella 66 3E 160 3 06-29-1888 10-11-1958 x x
Garton Greg A. Kathy Mem or ial Bldg 04-23-1953 06-03-2018 x x
Garton Robert L. Thelma 66 3E 168 1 08-07-1918 02-06-1981 x x x WWII
Garton Thelma Irene Plaga Robert 66 3E 168 2 03-19-1923 11-14-2019 x x
Garwood Mary Ellen Hoth Ralph 108 6 137 2 01-09-1899 03-16-1985 x x
Garwood Ralph C. Mary 108 6 137 1 11-05-1896 10-18-1990 x x R.C.
Gaughen David George 82 3E 218 6 02-16-1938 x PC age 89
Gearheart Taft Nelson 109 5 224 3 09-17-1989 09-25-2021
Gearheart Thomas Nelson Glyda 134 7 34 1 01-17-1928 07-19-2018 x x x
Geiger Clarice Lillian Dey 94 6 41 4B 07-09-1929 04-15-2010 x x
Geiger Donna Dee Maddox 29 1 192 5 10-20-1931 10-12-2002 x x
George Beulah A. Damm 68 3E 170 1 01-25-1967 x x Bee age 64
George Colette Gay Loyd Alan 130 7 9 4b 04-19-1957 11-17-2022 x
George Henry William Verna 53 4W 86 4 11-11-1889 09-30-1944 x x team runaway
George Verna Alice Brundage Henry 53 4W 86 3 02-22-1892 01-20-1949 x x
Georgi Helene Karen Torjusen Richard 117 8 6 4 05-24-1903 09-09-1998 x x on Reddicks stone 1st-B. Ray
Geringer Bertha Brunner John 128 6 263 2 09-29-1916 08-16-1992 x x
Geringer Bryan Lee 127 6 257 3 02-01-1979 08-01-1998 x x MVA
Geringer David Lee Betty 127 6 257 1 02-08-1941 11-19-1990 x x
Geringer Edla Malin Johnson Gottlieb Jr. 98 6 72 4 02-25-1913 05-19-1996 x x
Geringer Elizabeth Eichler Henry 96 6 58 11-27-1912 12-11-2013 x x 101 yrs.
Geringer Gottlieb Jr. Edla 98 6 72 3 08-26-1905 11-13-1992 x x
Geringer Gottlieb Sr. Margaret 49 4W 60 1 03-17-1878 06-25-1935 x x
Geringer Henry Elizabeth 96 6 58 3 03-11-1908 12-14-1982 x x
Geringer John Bertha 128 6 263 1 06-14-1912 01-10-1880 x x
Geringer Margaret Elizabeth Grasnick Gottlieb Sr. 49 4W 60 4 11-01-1877 08-03-1955 x x
Geringer Robert Dale 49 4W 60 8 02-26-1936 10-20-1936 x x x
Geringer Ronald Gottlieb Roxe Anne 98 6 72 1 11-27-1945 05-24-2003 x x
Gersic Martin William 86 3E 262 3 04-19-1894 11-16-1965 x x x WWI
Gettman Conrad H. Elizabeth 92 6 30 1 00-00-1897 02-29-1974 x x
Gettman Elizabeth K. Pauli Conrad 92 6 30 2 04-10-1903 12-09-1981 x x
Gibb Thomas Ross Virginia 100 6 85 3 02-22-1918 01-09-1985 x x x WWII
Gibb Virginia Maybell Donaldson Thomas 100 6 85 4 04-10-1918 05-26-2008 x x
Gibbons Edith DArcy Michael 30 2 89 4 00-00-1872 01-19-1916 x x
Gibbons Michael M. Edith 30 2 89 3 04-08-1860 12-19-1943 x x
Giesler Leslie Gene unmarried Mem ori al Bldg 08-01-1969 12-06-2019 x x
Giffen Marian Ethel Richie Marion 6 2 135 2N 00-00-1878 01-10-1954 x x
Giffen Marion G. Ethel 6 2 135 1N 00-00-1881 04-27-1922 x x
Gilbert Ardenia Marie Maston Ray 110 6 156 08-28-1927 01-20-2015 x x 1st D. TePoel Deanie
Gilbert Donald Floyd 23 1 155 2 07-07-1934 10-18-1935 x x x
Gilbert Elmer Ward 23 1 155 8 00-00-1927 07-08-1929 x x x
Gilbert Francis Marion Freda 23 1 155 7 04-05-1900 12-29-1932 x x Frank
Gilbert George E. Gladys 110 6 156 3 08-17-1898 01-05-1974 x x
Gilbert Gladys May Rodbaugh George 110 6 156 4 08-18-1906 02-13-1976 x x
Gilbert Irvin Ray Ardenia 110 6 156 Ft1 12-02-1925 06-05-2002 x x x WWII 1st-C. Snow Ray
Gilbert Josiah Ward 23 1 155 1 00-00-1873 01-31-1946 x NS
Gilbertson Linda Kay Johnson Ed Mem orial Build ing 03-09-1955 06-04-2018 x x
Gildersleeve Esther Johanna Longe Lowell 126 6 253 4 10-23-1915 10-05-2001 x x
Gildersleeve Lowell Ansel Esther 126 6 253 3 06-15-1913 01-04-1993 x x x WWII
Gillam Emma Louise Wengert Frank 25 1 158 4 08-24-1887 05-15-1954 x x
Gillam Frank E. Emma 25 1 158 3 00-00-1875 10-09-1930 x x
Gillaspie Elvy Jessie 66 3E 163 1 02-15-1881 07-14-1959 x x
Gillaspie Jessie L. Hiatt Elvy 66 3E 163 2 07-15-1874 03-04-1971 x x
Gillaspie Michael David 97 5 144 4 07-15-1976 07-16-1976 x x x
Gillaspie Walter Alpus 46 3W 39 1 04-06-1908 05-31-1987 x x x
Gilmour Donna Lynn Cantwell Robert 136 7 40 4 12-08-1943 05-09-2011 x x 1st-Maxted
Gilmour Robert Owen Donna 136 7 40 3 09-23-1942 03-06-2009 x x x Vietnam
Ginsburg Lois Lutzke 89 5 96 00-00-1922 00-00-1992 x NR SO
Girardot Louise C. 45 4W 35 4 00-00-1871 06-22-1935 x x
Glasier Eddie Adolph 68 3E 180 2 10-20-1892 02-16-1960 x x x WWI
Glendening Clarence Overton unmarried 38 2 231 1 02-19-1885 02-10-1917 x x x TB
Glendening Lucinda Belle Gentry Willis 38 2 114 2 00-00-1858 10-27-1931 x x
Glendening Willis Richard Lucinda 38 2 114 4 12-06-1854 04-13-1917 x x
Goddard Bonna Dean 113 5 254 2 10-30-1941 12-26-2022
Goddard Samuel Darling Sandra 113 5 254 3 09-06-1938 05-02-1994 x x x Nat. Guard
Goddard Sandra Sue Lindauer Samuel 133 5 254 4 12-31-1940 07-25-2004 x x
Goddard William Clarence Bonna 113 5 254 1 10-22-1940 02-13-1991 x x Bill
Godwin Willie Marguerite Hall Bert 03-00-1890 05-24-1920 x NR
Goelz Gerald Francis 110 6 149 1 09-08-1971 10-12-1991 x x
Goelz Pauline Ruth Usher James 110 6 149 4 05-25-1936 03-29-2020 x
Goelz Richard Thomas 110 6 149 3 08-18-1970 04-24-1992 x x MVA
Goering Henry Madison Mary C. 44 3W 18 1 03-18-1877 08-06-1951 x x
Goering Mary Caroline Hartz Henry 44 3W 18 2 03-12-1878 09-06-1955 x x
Goertz Albert Cornelius Dorothy 94 6 45 4 09-28-1927 05-25-2004 x x
Goertz Alice Clara Baker Henry F. 60 3W 127 2 01-11-1883 10-05-1983 x x
Goertz Allen Monroe Pauline 55 4W 101 8 08-12-1914 09-29-2005 x x x WWII 1st-A. Hartung
Goertz Anabel Mers Jacob 128 6 271 4 12-13-1923 02-24-2005 x x
Goertz Audrey Ann Hartung Allen 55 4W 101 2 03-01-1916 06-03-1942 x x burns
Goertz Bernice Elizabeth McLees Manness 110 6 152 2 08-03-1920 07-04-2010 x x NR
Goertz Claude M. Irene 74 3E 214 1 03-15-1907 05-28-1961 x x
Goertz Dorothy Mae Wallace Albert 94 6 45 3 08-07-1920 08-31-1996 x x Dottie
Goertz Harry unmarried 79 5 31 1 07-23-1914 10-12-1964 x x
Goertz Henry F. Alice 60 3W 127 1 09-18-1877 08-18-1954 x x
Goertz Henry G. Sibyl 80 3E 240 2 01-21-1906 01-18-1982 x x
Goertz Jacob Anabel 128 6 271 3 11-25-1921 05-08-2009 x x x WWII
Goertz John W. Louise 80 3E 240 4 01-27-1910 02-01-1963 x x
Goertz Karen 70 3E 191 4 05-08-1949 05-08-1949 x x x reinterred from Iowa Flats
Goertz Louise Enlows John 80 3E 240 3 12-09-1912 09-07-1963 x x
Goertz Manness Bernice 110 6 152 1 11-26-1925 01-04-1990 x x x WWII
Goertz Margery Viola Randall 21 1 142 4 06-09-1914 01-17-1983 x x
Goertz Pamela Rae 55 4W 94 2B 09-22-1949 03-23-2022
Goertz Pauline Luvon Gibson Allen 55 4W 101 1 02-20-1899 04-09-1984 x x 1st-Finlayson
Goertz Rex Cornelius Cheryl 106 6 121 3 06-25-1950 01-18-2014 x x 1st-P. Angle
Goertz Sibyl Meeker Henry G. 80 3E 240 1 00-00-1914 12-18-1996 x x
Goetz Adam Jr. 104 6 108 1 03-25-1924 08-14-2002 x x WWII
Goetz Adam Sr. Margaret 69 4E 198 6 06-23-1889 11-23-1957 x x on back of Horvath stone
Goetz Clarence Robert Gertrud Mem orial Build ing 01-20-1920 09-10-2009 x x x
Goetz Fred 104 6 108 2 02-17-1916 12-17-1985 x x x
Goetz Frederick Sr. Mollie 90 6 25 3 05-28-1909 01-15-1986 x x 2nd-Sadie
Goetz Gertrude Schneabele Robert Mem orial Build ing 03-05-1927 12-10-2018 x x 1st- Price; 2nd-Peters; Hitler survivor
Goetz Margaret Nickel Adam I 69 4E 198 5 06-05-1898 01-15-1967 x x on back of Horvath stone
Goetz Mollie Bohl Fred. Sr. 90 6 25 4 11-17-1911 04-07-1972 x x
Goit Josephine Emelia Lawler Sam 31 1 212 6 00-00-1885 11-07-1961 x x 1st Pittman Jossie
Goit Samuel C. Josephine 31 1 212 7 05-28-1888 12-19-1977 x x
Goldsmith Douglas 82 3E 218 5 07-17-1860 01-22-1937 x PC
Goldsmith Eva Sommers Peter 10 2 29 2 00-00-1840 07-04-1917 x x
Goldsmith Peter Eva 10 2 29 1 11-29-1834 11-15-1904 x x
Goldsmith Richard 29 1 183 6 01-29-1858 12-28-1933 x NS
Gollow Henry Newton Mabel 54 3W 82 2 08-09-1895 08-09-1972 x x
Gollow John F. 54 3W 82 2 03-31-1953 03-31-1953 x
Gollow Mabel Mae Merrifield Henry 54 3W 82 1 00-00-1886 02-18-1952 x x 1st-Dozier
Gomez Candy 00-00-1930 09-04-1930 x x NR 9 mos.
Gonzales Felix H. Librada 62 3W 135 03-06-1896 01-07-1972 x SO
Gonzales Juan 78 3E 197 7 06-09-1933 x NS train accident age 45 PC
Gonzales Librada M. Morales Felix 62 3W 135 4 11-03-1891 04-29-1954 x x
Gonzales Nellie M. Martinez Paul Sr. 65 4E 180 6 12-25-1916 04-26-2007 x x little angel marker
Gonzales Paul Jr. 65 4E 180 5 07-27-1936 06-14-1947 x x drowning
Good Dorothea Love Reuben 41 4W 1 8 12-10-1894 09-16-1964 x x
Good George Herbert Irena 52 3W 71 4 07-21-1893 11-29-1977 x x x DVM
Good 0 Love Reed George 52 3W 71 3 01-31-1897 02-25-1997 x x 100 yrs Rena DAR
Good Reuben Wray Dorothea 41 4W 1 2 02-04-1892 06-06-1976 x x x WWI 1st-Bertha
Good Rudolph 41 4W 1 1 05-14-1856 10-25-1938 x x
Goodrich Arlo Sheridan Marian 13 1 90 8 11-11-1898 06-03-1964 x x x WWI
Goodrich Charles W. Flora 6 2 131 2 08-25-1867 01-11-1938 x x founder of brickyard
Goodrich Chauncey Sr. Z. Rhoda 24 2 194 2 10-07-1839 02-01-1921 x x founder of brickyard
Goodrich Clement Z. Mary J. 32 2 212 4 11-17-1863 12-24-1936 x x
Goodrich Eleanor Hutcheson William W. 42 3W 3 3 11-07-1925 02-04-1957 x x MVA
Goodrich Flora Belle Sappington Charles 6 2 131 3 02-08-1869 05-06-1947 x x
Goodrich Frances Viola Skurdell William 28 2 84 7 07-31-1929 05-25-2018 x x Vi
Goodrich G. Ward Lillie 42 3W 3 1 08-07-1891 04-24-1968 x x x WWI state legislature rep.
Goodrich Gustavus Thomason Rose 28 2 84 4 08-04-1860 07-16-1931 x x x Spanish American War
Goodrich Infant Boy 32 2 212 5 12-21-1916 12-23-1916 x x
Goodrich Infant 32 2 212 3
Goodrich Jimmy 6 2 131 1 09-28-1899 04-22-1900 x x x Little Jimmy
Goodrich Lillian Ayers G. Ward 42 3W 3 2 03-27-1893 04-24-1992 x x Lillie
Goodrich Lucille Irene 28 2 84 6 04-13-1896 11-22-1896 x x
Goodrich Marian L. Anderson Arlo 13 1 90 7 03-01-1899 08-13-1965 x x
Goodrich Mary Jenny Light Clement 32 2 212 02-11-1870 03-07-1895 x x TB 1st official burial in the Wh. Cemetery
Goodrich Meredith Louise unmarried 13 1 90 6 12-25-1919 12-10-2002 x x
Goodrich Philo Ayers unmarried 42 3W 3 4 11-29-1921 11-03-1945 x x x KIA WWII
Goodrich Rhoda Noble Chauncey 24 2 194 1N 07-24-1843 07-27-1924 x x
Goodrich Rose E. Ward Gustavus 28 2 84 3 02-26-1868 12-10-1922 x x
Goodrich William Ward Vi 28 2 84 8 01-04-1920 09-03-1989 x x x WWII 1st-Eleanor
Goodro Alfred Ross 125 8 58 2 07-21-1924 07-24-2018 x
Goodro James D. Mary 125 8 58 1 02-22-1930 11-18-2017 x
Goodro Mary Low James 123 8 49 4B 09-21-1936 01-14-2017 x x 1st-Pierce
Goodwin Bert 17 1 114 1 01-01-1904 bought 1920
Goolsby Ethelyn Lyons Ellis 10 2 27 8 02-01-1873 12-31-1932 x x 1st-Earnest Kline
Goolsby Jennie Lorraine Britton Jesse 54 3W 84 2 05-13-1908 06-08-1988 x x
Goolsby Jesse Howard Jennie 54 3W 84 1 06-01-1905 02-03-1952 x x crushed at Hartville mine
Goolsby Jesse Victor 54 3 84 3C 01-06-1930 06-04-2014
Goolsby Leonard Darrell unmarried 54 3W 84 3 11-04-1931 04-01-1966 x x gas explosion twin shared cremains in Guernsey
Goolsby Jr Samuel J 54 3W 84 2 08-25-1968
Goolsby Samuel Norman married 54 3W 84 2B 09-17-1938 05-20-2016 x x
Gordon David Mary 10 2 30 1 00-00-1844 00-00-1906 x
Gordon David Jr. Edith 10 2 30 8 03-04-1877 04-30-1958 x x
Gordon Edith Mae Mitchell David Jr. 10 2 30 5 03-23-1882 07-03-1936 x x
Gordon Mary David Sr. 10 2 30 2 00-00-1860 10-15-1934 x x
Gordon Robert 10 2 30 4 00-00-1869 12-23-1930 x x
Gore Lester Arthur Kay 21 1 137 6 03-26-1925 06-01-2016 x x x 1st-Louise
Gorsuch Josiah Edgar Lela Mem orial Build ing 12-01-1919 08-16-1992 x x Ed
Gorsuch Lela L Oberlin Edgar Mem orial Build ing 01-03-1920 10-29-2016 x x
Gossen Elizabeth Schroeder Robert 87 5 87 4 03-17-1921 02-08-2007 x x Betty
Gossen James Frederick 87 5 87 3A 08-16-1949 02-06-1988 x x homicide victim
Gossen Robert C. Elizabeth 87 5 87 3 10-01-1920 01-18-1976 x x x WWII DDS
Gossett Carey R. 76 3E 192 6 06-06-1868 08-27-1954 x PC age decrepency in obit
Gould Harold L. Mary 46 3W 27 1 00-00-1906 00-00-1982 x
Gould Mary K. VanKleeck Harold 46 3W 27 1A 00-00-1910 10-24-1963 x x
Gowen Elizabeth K. Sorensen 33 1 214 5 00-00-1912 02-11-1976 x
Goyen Mabel Peterson Charles 77 5 23 4 05-08-1971 x NS 1st-Maurer age 86
Grady Anna E. married 7 1 48 7 00-00-1870 07-14-1937 x x
Grable Betram 120 6 217 3 02-05-1929 08-05-2023 x
Graefe Gustave E. Ollie 47 4W 46 3 02-28-1903 06-02-1974 x x
Graefe Magdalena Miller Richard 47 4W 46 1 11-07-1874 11-15-1936 x x
Graefe Ollie Mae McMullin Gustave 47 4W 46 4 10-10-1905 11-08-1986 x x
Graefe Richard Magdalena 47 4W 46 2 08-10-1863 02-07-1947 x x
Graham Billy Clinton 63 4E 167 1 03-09-1945 06-22-1945 x x x
Graham Charles A. 67 4E 184 5 08-25-1936 07-11-1953 x x Buddy MVA
Graham Charles Edward Shirley 128 6 264 1 03-21-1932 07-31-1981 x x
Graham Cleta Blanche Tanner LeRoy 63 4E 167 7 06-02-1919 04-10-1994 x x
Graham Daisy Dell Gividan Lewis G. 46 3W 29 1 11-21-1883 04-21-1959 x x
Graham Fern Evelyn Marke 95 5 140 4 01-30-1923 08-17-2010 x x
Graham Gladys Edna Hightower Lewis A. 67 4E 184 3 00-00-1909 10-27-1990 x x
Graham Harold LeRoy Cleta 63 4E 167 6 03-04-1915 04-14-1979 x x Roy
Graham continued on next page
Graham Lewis A. Gladys 67 4E 184 4 00-00-1906 07-18-1951 x x
Graham Lewis George Daisy 46 3W 29 2 10-23-1876 07-02-1956 x x
Graham Ronald LaVerne 63 4E 167 8 08-31-1946 01-07-1968 x x x Vietnam car/train accident
Grames Hazel Witt 88 6 8 2 02-04-1921 04-01-1984 x x
Grant Betty Lou Watson Bob 46 3W 36 3 06-27-1923 03-08-1971 x x 1st -Wiggam
Grant Charles E. 10-04-1923 x NR 64 yrs.
Grant Duncan Mary E. 1 1 12 8 00-00-1853 12-21-1932 x x pioneer
Grant Duncan Paul Cora 38 2 109 8 08-21-1881 07-19-1975 x x
Grant Forest Scott Georgia 26 2 192 3 02-04-1875 04-13-1947 x x
Grant George R.S. Margaret C. 2 2 125 5 02-22-1897 03-30-1974 x x
Grant John Jane 28 2 203 2N 01-03-1905 x NS 79 yrs. Old pioneer
Grant Margaret Mitchell Robert 38 2 109 4 11-06-1944 02-09-1928 x x
Grant Margaret Catherine Keenan George 2 2 125 5 08-01-1906 08-02-1969 x x
Grant Mary Coquella Greenlee Duncan P. 38 2 109 7 10-05-1897 10-23-1982 x x Cora
Grant Mary E. Regan Duncan 1 1 12 7 03-17-1866 07-16-1937 x x
Grant May C. Charlesworth Robert M. 26 2 196 2 07-28-1886 03-19-1933 x x
Grant Robert Margaret 38 2 109 1 05-22-1847 09-22-1921 x x pioneer
Grant Robert Mem orial Build ing 00-00-1816 00-00-1900 x
Grant Robert Mills Sue 38 2 109 12-30-1926 03-01-2012 x x 1st-Betty SO
Grant Sarah Jane Thomas 20 2 56 3 04-04-1864 05-23-1937 x Stella 1st-J. Royce
Grant Sue Anne McLean Robert 38 2 109 5 04-26-1936 08-31-1987 x x 1st -Conrad
Grant Thomas Weaden Sarah 20 2 56 2 03-22-1861 11-05-1937 x age 76
Graves Donita Lee Hill Jim 90 6 16 07-02-1947 01-17-2021 x SO 1 cemetery lady who developed this directory
Graves Dorris Marie Graves Gary 122 6 222 1 12-20-1930 06-17-2014 x x Dot
Graves Earl Tate divorced 120 6 221 1A 08-16-1928 09-05-2023 x
Graves Edythe Curtis William C. 13 1 81 6 00-00-1907 07-10-1997 x x
Graves Franklin Carroll Kay 13 1 82 4 09-11-1933 04-13-2018 x
Graves Gary Curtis Dorris 122 6 222 2 11-18-19229 07-10-2016 x x x
Graves Gyle Curtis 13 1 81 8 09-04-1957 09-04-1957 x x x
Graves Herbert Everett C. Lois 90 6 16 3 05-09-1903 10-14-2004 x x 101 yrs. old 2nd-L. Barkley
Graves Infant Twins 73 4E 222 3 08-26-1957 08-26-1957 xs
Graves James Herbert Donita 90 6 16 3 11-08-1937 12-08-2017 x x x SO Jim
Graves Janela Sabine Dewain 102 6 97 1 07-29-1932 07-22-1985 x x
Graves Jeannine Annette OBryan William H.B. 13 1 82 5 05-28-1930 02-11-2017 x x SO
Graves John Warren Nancy Mem ori al Bldg 06-27-1933 10-03-2019 x x x 1st-Billie
Graves Kay Brunton Franklin 13 1 82 6A 12-01-1937 12-14-2019 x x
Graves Patricia Ann Phelps Tate 80 3E 242 Ft1 12-07-1931 12-08-1990 x x
Graves Riley Ben Linda 120 6 221 8 08-30-1940 09-01-1983 x x x Ben
Graves William Carroll Edythe 13 1 81 7 04-19-1896 01-11-1989 x x x U.S. 115th Calvary
Graves William H.B. Jeannie 13 1 82 5 05-12-1928 02-22-2010 x x x
Gray Anna Augusta 01-24-1892 10-20-1918 x NR influenza
Gray Clarence Marshall Lola 52 3W 76 2 10-28-1893 05-31-1961 x x
Gray Lola Ellen Preuit Clarence 52 3W 76 1 02-03-1896 07-14-2001 x x 105 yrs.
Gray Male Rachel 6 2 134 2 00-00-1904 M.D. NR
Gray Ned C. 22 2 182 1 00-00-1918 03-28-1919 x x x influenza 9 mos.
Gray Rachel Clarissa Hanna 6 2 134 1 04-18-1832 11-23-1914 x x 1st-Coan
Gray Richard 19 1 124 1 11-13-1917 08-01-1921 x x
Greathouse Bryant Nettie 42 3W 5 1 03-07-1858 05-10-1949 x x
Greathouse Marie Annettie Walker Bryant 42 3W 5 2 03-24-1879 10-02-1958 x x Nettie
Green Delores P. Alloway Robley 47 4W 49 8 02-20-1910 11-27-1980 x x 1st-Cornell
Greenfield Allen Porter 89 5 104 4 12-13-1927 12-01-1982 x x x Korea
Greenhalgh George Richard Lucille 41 4W 4 1 06-05-1905 03-31-1937 x x logging accident
Greenlee Auryldah Ella Sinclair Mills 37 1 235 2 03-29-1857 11-17-1933 x x
Greenlee Clara Pearl Glendening Ernest 5 1 33 1 05-08-1891 10-07-1919 x x TB
Greenlee Clarence Burton unmarried 37 1 235 3 00-00-1877 07-02-1935 x x Burton
Greenlee Elmer C. 5 1 33 8 10-15-1908 07-13-1954 x x x WWII
Greenlee Emma Kreiter Ernest 5 1 33 3 06-23-1910 05-01-1936 x NS
Greenlee Ernest Guy Clara 5 1 33 2 03-04-1882 06-29-1950 x x 1st Millie
Greenlee Jay Gould unmarried 5 1 33 6 08-02-1913 07-14-1967 x x x WWII
Greenlee John 5 1 33 4 05-14-1929 12-29-1934 x NS
Greenlee Millie Whalen Ernest 6 2 18 4 06-30-1888 12-20-1906 x x childbirth
Greenlee Millie Viola 6 2 18 2 06-00-1908 x x NS 18 mos.
Greenlee Mills E. Auryldah 37 1 235 1 00-00-1852 08-28-1930 x x
Greenlee Raymond E. unmarried 5 1 33 7 02-04-1912 02-15-1962 x x x WWII
Greff Catherine William 51 4W 77 1 10-28-1862 10-27-1939 x x
Gregg Harold Paul 2 2 1 5 10-26-1922 09-10-1935 x NS
Grenemyer William George Marge 37 1 244 8 06-12-1934 10-20-2018 x x Bill
Griffin Betty Faye Johnston Thomas 3 1 17 6 03-29-1920 06-22-1973 x x x WWII
Griffin Charles Daniel Elon 15 1 99 1 03-21-1846 10-16-1921 x x x Civil War 2nd-Lavinia
Griffin Elon Eliza Jamison Charles 15 1 99 2 08-30-1844 03-16-1927 x x related to Kit Carson
Griffin George Clinton Tessie 92 6 34 3 07-08-1895 10-21-1972 x x Griff
Griffin Glen 35 1 224 4 00-00-1924 01-00-1925 x x NS 7 mos.
Griffin Laura Dove Reed 52 3W 71 2 02-14-1893 01-21-1993 x x DAR
Griffin Lavinia Charles 26 2 73 2 01-11-1866 01-27-1958 x x 1st-Hubbard
Griffin Tessie Miller George 92 6 34 4 06-08-1918 01-23-1981 x x
Griffin Thomas Edward Betty 3 1 17 5 01-22-1917 08-11-1995 x x WWII
Grimm Charles Anna 16 2 165 1 00-00-1897 x accident
Grimme LoRene Watson 46 3W 36 1 03-26-1919 12-01-1960 x x on Watson stone MVA
Griswold Ida A. unmarried 31 1 196 8 08-11-1875 10-14-1956 x x
Gudahl Grace Viola Broyles Oscar 83 5 64 3 08-23-1896 07-10-1992 x x
Gudahl Leona May Gaddis Donald 48 3W 48 08-19-1932 12-09-2018 x x SO
Gudahl Oscar Bernhard Grace 83 5 64 4 03-18-1892 10-20-1973 x x x WWI
Gudahl Robert Oscar Mary Etta 83 5 64 1 02-21-1923 09-08-1968 x x
Gudahl Victor Carroll unmarried 83 5 64 2 08-30-1924 08-25-1994 x x x WWII
Guenther Harry Lowes Mary 93 5 119 1 02-09-1893 03-27-1977 x x x WWI
Guenther Mary Lucille Reed Harry 93 5 119 2 11-14-1900 12-30-1977 x x
Guerrero Carlos Ruben 127 8 73 2 03-14-2014 03-14-2014 x x
Guild Roger H. R. Mae 76 3E 222 1 05-23-1917 04-11-1962 x x x WWII
Guild Rosa Mae Marke Roger 76 3E 222 1 05-07-1925 08-13-2012 x x Mae
Gunckel Florence Bell Cunningham Wade 63 4E 161 4 11-28-1905 11-16-1946 x x
Gunson Elizabeth Annis Shepard 65 4E 182 4 10-05-1863 11-09-1951 x x stone date incorrect
Gunson Robert F. 43 4W 21 6 05-02-1939 x NS age 70 Bob
Gunter Dallin Andrew 127 8 74 08-12-2003 06-25-2014 x x
Gustafson Bertha Magdelina Royal Henry 100 6 79 4 10-03-1903 03-28-1986 x x
Gustafson Henry Nathanel Bertha 100 6 79 3 05-10-1887 03-02-1973 x x x WWI
Gustin John Joseph Myrtle 57 4W 105 2 05-12-1864 11-10-1955 x x
Gustin Myrtle Gilmore John 57 4W 105 1 00-00-1864 03-19-1943 x x
Guthrie Ethel Edna Jones Lancelot 72 3E 201 3 06-20-1889 06-26-1972 x x 1st-Covington
Guthrie Lancelot Ethel 72 3E 201 4 01-14-1886 07-20-1961 x x
Gutierrez Robert Toledo 76 3E 195 3 04-24-1951 x PC