Displaying Names Starting with  J   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z   
Jackson Anthony Beau 130 7 6 1 08-17-1976 06-12-1994 x x MVA Beau
Jackson Benjamin Nimrod Lula 29 1 187 1 09-03-1880 04-27-1957 x x
Jackson Edward 45 4W 34 6 02-08-1864 12-24-1939 x x
Jackson Frances Jane Wood Benjamin F 29 1 187 4 02-15-1852 11-28-1927 x x
Jackson Lula Belle Reid Benjamin 29 1 187 2 10-15-1880 09-27-1964 x x 1st-L.Graves
Jackson Maria Kate Wade Norman 5 1 31 6 08-05-1867 11-30-1947 x x
Jackson Norman Driggs Kate 5 1 31 5 08-18-1866 09-07-1944 x x fall from a roof
Jacobsen Johanna Lina Kirk O.H. 60 3W 124 2 12-22-1888 02-11-1971 x x
Jacobsen O.H. Johanna 60 3W 124 1 03-17-1890 01-26-1957 x x Gerhard WY legislator
Jacobson Audray Phyllis Stafford Bennie Mem orial Build ing 08-14-1926 11-16-2013 x x 1st - Carnahan
Jacobson Bennie James Audray Mem orial Build ing 08-21-1928 06-23-2014 x x
James Betty Lou Scott Billy 134 7 27 4B 03-12-1935 03-30-2018 x x
James Billy Dean Betty 134 7 27 4 08-21-1941 07-31-2000 x x x
James Vincenta 82 3E 221 2 00-00-1931 08-26-1931 x PC 3 mos.
Jameson Ella Teen Goodrich George 26 2 194 4 03-18-1862 07-09-1950 x x
Jameson George L. Ella 26 2 194 3 03-21-1857 08-18-1900 x x TB Roy
Jap Jeffry Wahyudi 132 7 17 4 06-14-1950 03-16-2001 x x MVA
Jeffers Hazel Brunk Ned 5 1 29 8 07-08-1895 02-02-1961 x x
Jeffers Ida I A. James 5 1 29 3 08-26-1856 09-20-1933 x NR
Jeffers Ida II A. 5 1 29 07-13-1923 10-21-1923 x x
Jeffers James Ida I 5 1 29 1 04-16-1858 09-28-1933 x
Jeffers Jimmie Hazel unmarried 1 1 10 3W 07-06-1924 06-04-1942 x X 17 yrs.
Jeffers Milo Sr. Ned Hazel 5 1 29 2 02-24-1886 02-03-1928 x X Ned
Jefferson Margaret Regina William 132 7 16 2 10-31-1931 09-04-1998 X Jeanne
Jefferson William Thomas Margaret 132 7 16 1 01-22-1926 10-30-1998 x x x Jeff
Jenkins Charles Jr. W. 71 4E 216 FT4 03-03-1971 03-03-1971 x x x
Jenkins Cody Walker 71 4E 216 FT4 10-20-1973 10-21-1973 x x x
Jenkins Infant 12-04-1919 02-11-1920 x x NR child of Walter
Jenkins Jerimiah Joshua 119 8 15 3 08-14-1988 08-14-1988 x x
Jenkins Noble Edwin Mabel 54 3W 90 4 01-19-1881 06-20-1955 x x
Jennings Edward C. 13 1 83 1 00-00-1876 09-12-1922 x x
Jennings Merle Olive Bartos 104 6 112 4A 11-17-1912 06-23-2009 x x 1st-Bud Sylvester
Jensen Clara Grace Royce James P. 70 3E 186 4 04-15-1889 10-11-1982 x x
Jensen Hugo Fisker Jeri Mem orial Build ing 04-25-1927 10-08-2007 x
Jensen Infant 70 3E 186 02-04-1911 x x NR infant of James
Jensen James P. Clara 70 3E 186 3 08-05-1884 12-22-1970 x x
Jensen Jeri Mae Hugo Mem orial Build ing 07-19-1932 04-14-2006 x
Jesse Chester Clyde married 26 2 77 8 07-10-1885 02-24-1952 x x
Jesse John W. Emma 26 2 77 1 07-31-1911 x x 63 yrs. Unfinished stone
Jesse Shirley Ida 26 2 77 2 07-28-1909 03-14-1915 x x 2 stones
Jessen Alvin C. Elsie 28 2 80 5 07-05-1908 10-08-1992 x x
Jessen Delmer 28 2 80 1B 07-22-1914 03-04-1915 x x x whooping cough twin
Jessen Elmer 28 2 80 1A 07-22-1914 03-02-1915 x x x whooping cough twin
Jessen Elsie Margaret Johnson Alvin 28 2 80 6 12-17-1914 12-29-2008 x x
Jessen Laura McGuire Martin 28 2 80 2 01-30-1890 05-09-1964 x x
Jessen Martin Laura 28 2 80 3 09-18-1885 12-10-1967 x x
Jewett Donald Carver Dorothy 92 6 38 3 09-20-1891 02-25-1977 x x x Army Calvary
Jewett Dorothy Virginia Pease Donald 92 6 38 4 02-09-1915 06-08-2002 x x
Johnke Clifford Charles Patty 114 6 176 1 02-20-1934 08-12-1999 x x x Panama
Johnke Donna Rae Collins Elmer J. 114 6 170 4 10-28-1935 10-18-1994 x X
Johnke Elmer Carl Myrtle 62 3W 140 1 07-07-1888 11-01-1956 x x X WWI
Johnke Elmer John Donna 114 6 170 3 02-01-1933 01-10-1999 X x X WWII
Johnke Theodore Frederick married 62 3W 140 2 12-07-1930 03-06-2002 x x X Korea
Johnke William Carl 98 6 75 1 01-17-1957 09-30-2016 x x Bill
Johns Melinda Margaret Miller 44 3W 21 4 02-23-1962 06-16-2009 X
Johns Susan 08-00-1896 x NR 48 yrs.
Johnson Albert Ray 1 1 9 10 03-08-1905 01-23-2000
Johnson Alvin Russell Eva 117 8 4 1 06-30-1916 05-17-1995 x x
Johnson Anna L. Murray John W. 49 4W 62 4 09-17-1902 01-30-1989 x x
Johnson Annie Pearl Harris William H. 64 3W 153 4 02-19-1880 06-05-1965 x x
Johnson Arvid Columbus Rebecca 94 6 51 1 10-12-1911 02-25-1984 x x
Johnson Arya 140 7 68 1 06-26-2017 06-26-2017 x x daughter of Adam
Johnson Barbara Ann Coffman James B. 26 2 199 3 05-24-1823 05-19-1917 x x
Johnson Bessie Ellen Brown Ira 54 3W 79 2 10-01-1887 12-09-1965 x x
Johnson Brandon Jay Shelby 140 7 67 02-04-1984 09-19-2018 x x x Navy
Johnson continued on page 3
Johnson Christen Rebecca 8 2 144 2 02-08-1826 12-11-1903 x x
Johnson Clara Lou Rhodes Joseph Sr 82 3E 253 01-01-1925 07-09-2014 x x
Johnson Clyde Henry 3 00-00-1930 00-00-2010 NR
Johnson Eddy Taylor 82 3E 253 3 05-17-1960 09-29-1977 x x MVA Taylor
Johnson Emil unmarried 70 3E 193 1 04-13-1881 08-17-1951 x PC auto/ped. accident
Johnson Erma Marie Hopper Ralph 93 5 121 4 11-08-1912 01-29-2011 x x
Johnson Eugene Glenn Helen Mem orial Build ing 01-12-1925 01-17-1994 x x x WWII
Johnson Eva Belle Ballard Alvin 117 8 4 2 12-17-1916 05-01-2001 x x
Johnson Gary Wesley Gayle Mem orial Build ing 12-17-1952 09-11-2008 x x DVM
Johnson Infant 6 2 16 00-00-1921 x
Johnson Ira Edward Bessie 54 3W 79 2 12-10-1882 10-01-1972 x x
Johnson Isaac Herman Myrna 76 3E 228 3 01-10-1909 04-22-1991 x x Herman
Johnson Jackie Lee 94 6 44 6 01-08-1977 01-08-1977 x x x
Johnson James Albert Margretha 1 1 9 2 02-24-1863 08-18-1932 x x
Johnson James L. married 9 1 53 1 09-16-1861 03-06-1934 x x
Johnson Jan Elaine Payne Kenneth 15 1 102 6 11-01-1944 01-11-1973 x x
Johnson Jeffery Dean 57 3W 93 1 10-14-1957 10-15-1957 x x x
Johnson Jeremiah Grizzly 123 8 41 1 09-20-1989 05-01-2005 x x Griz MVA twin
Johnson Jerome Conrad Shirley 96 6 56 4B 12-13-1938 04-24-2012 x x x Jerry
Johnson Joanne Atkinson 59 4E 142 12-28-1930 11-15-2014 x twin
Johnson John Mary 14 2 159 2 06-24-1857 04-28-1904 x x
Johnson John Joe Kim 121 8 34 1 08-05-1960 09-18-2008 x x
Johnson John Wesley Anna L. 49 4W 62 3 03-16-1889 01-24-1961 x x
Johnson Joseph Jr. Porterfield Jacquelyn 82 3E 252 4 08-27-1948 04-12-2002 x x Jody 1st-Wynona
Johnson Joseph Sr. Porterfield Clara Lou 82 3E 253 1 08-03-1934 07-07-2011 x x x WWII
Johnson Kailash 140 7 68 02-12-2016 02-12-2016 x son of Adam
Johnson Lambert Tensia 61 4E 156 1 01-05-1874 11-16-1947 x x
Johnson Laura Amanda Hoffman Joe W. 6 2 16 02-27-1894 06-03-1921 x NR childbirth infant w/ mother
Johnson Lelia Alice Murray Richard 94 6 44 3 08-08-1919 07-27-2018 x x Alice
Johnson Loomis Case Vera F. 41 4W 8 5 07-05-1897 09-17-1948 x x Mike
Johnson Margretha Rasmussen James A 1 1 9 3 10-07-1879 03-09-1939 x x 1st-Larson
Johnson Martha Ellen Wham Peter B. 49 4W 62 1 06-26-1860 12-08-1942 x x
Johnson Mary Marguerita married 14 2 159 3 02-28-1859 04-06-1925 x x
Johnson Metta Faye Dawson Forrest 3 1 17 2 02-13-1892 11-18-1924 x x
Johnson Mildred Orla Cobb Peter W. 49 4W 62 5 06-15-1929 11-12-2012 x x
Johnson Minnie H. 14 2 159 1 01-27-1884 09-28-1898 x x typhoid fever
Johnson Minnie L. Gape Osgood 1 1 13 4 09-16-1876 06-03-1957 x x
Johnson Nettie Myrna Pence I. Herman 76 3E 228 4 12-07-1913 05-23-2012 x x Myrna
Johnson Oscar Joseph Louise 14 2 159 4 05-02-1888 11-12-1918 x x DVM influenza
Johnson Osgood Minnie L. 1 1 13 2 01-06-1862 07-27-1941 x x
Johnson Peter Bubb Martha E. 49 4W 62 2 08-28-1857 03-21-1935 x x
Johnson Peter Wesley Mildred C 49 4W 62 6 12-29-1927 09-06-2000 x x x
Johnson Rebecca Mageline Miller Avid C. 94 6 51 2 05-06-1921 12-19-1987 x x DAR
Johnson Richard Edward Alice 94 6 44 4 09-10-1915 01-13-1986 x x
Johnson Sharon Elizabeth unmarried 100 6 88 02-18-1947 10-11-2016 x x twin
Johnson continued on page 4
Johnson Shirley Ann Sessions Jerome 96 6 56 4B 09-21-1939 02-19-2009 x x DOD stone/obit disagree
Johnson Tensia Sevenson Lambert 61 4E 156 2 11-06-1886 08-03-1964 x x
Johnson Vera Florence Carter Loomis 41 4W 8 6 01-22-1914 02-01-1947 x x
Johnson Walter unmarried 73 4E 232 8 07-11-1950 x age 55
Johnson William Jr. Henry Annie P. 64 3W 153 3 01-25-1872 11-01-1959 x x Willie
Johnston Adah Fay Smith William A. 69 4E 202 2 06-08-1887 10-24-1973 x x
Johnston Albert Sidney 65 4E 178 6 02-06-1948 x age 88 (obit says 66)
Johnston Annie Mary Miller Martin 2 2 1 4 04-15-1859 05-15-1905 x x
Johnston Dorothy Ann 17 1 117 1 00-00-1915 09-20-1988 x
Johnston Doval D. Marie 69 4E 201 4 06-14-1911 10-03-1962 x x farm accident WY legislator
Johnston Eldon Elliott Josephine E. 69 4E 203 1 12-13-1912 01-14-1997 x x
Johnston Eldon Thomas Jess Agnew 2 2 1 1 10-25-1883 07-14-1931 x x
Johnston Elvin Dale 11 1 68 4 06-17-1909 07-04-1918 x x wagon accident Elvie
Johnston Ethel Grace Beach Frank 17 1 117 3 00-00-1878 01-24-1920 x x
Johnston Frank R. Ethel 17 1 117 2 00-00-1872 07-21-1952 X x x
Johnston Gertrude Josephine Shafer Glenn 69 4 204 2 06-14-1924 07-21-2022 x Jo
Johnston Glenn D. Josephine 69 4E 204 12-21-1918 05-26-2005 x x x WWII
Johnston Harold Bench 17 1 117 4 09-22-1902 05-14-1918 x x x Home Guard
Johnston Josephine Eleanor Keefe Eldon E. 69 4E 203 2 12-10-1916 12-28-2005 x x
Johnston Larry Keith married 69 4E 201 2 12-18-1933 07-04-2004 x x x
Johnston Lucille 17 1 117 5 00-00-1919 04-11-1927 x x
Johnston Marie Adelma Drucker Doval 69 4E 201 3 09-09-1914 08-25-1989 x x 2nd-Eppa Hall
Johnston Martin R. Anna 2 2 1 3 11-17-1858 11-24-1934 x x 1st mayor 1906-08 & 10-11 Wh. Dev. Member
Johnston Mary McGill 79 5 30 3 12-12-1908 04-29-1993 x x
Johnston Minta Ohoya 81 5 40 3 11-24-1980 age 54
Johnston Robert Jr. Calvin 67 4E 183 6 02-10-1944 11-22-1951 x x polio
Johnston William Andrew Adah 69 4E 202 3 04-05-1884 09-26-1949 x x Andy
Jones Amanda William Lambert Cornelius 53 4W 81 3 07-30-1860 09-15-1941 x x
Jones Barbara Eileen Gene L. 62 3W 143 3 05-06-1925 05-31-2021 x
Jones Bayard P. Peggy Mem orial Build ing 12-09-1946 11-04-2014 x x x Barry
Jones Berneta M. Birdsong Frank 117 8 7 3 05-13-1934 07-13-1996 x x 1st-Stout Neta
Jones Bertran Paul Minnie 75 5 2 2 10-23-1868 11-22-1965 x x
Jones Clara Ellen Albert 35 1 234 4 04-18-1909 05-02-1989 x x
Jones Colter Scott unmarried 75 5 1 2 10-18-1988 08-26-2020
Jones Cornelius H. Amanda 53 4W 81 4 05-26-1857 02-14-1945 x x
Jones Esther V. Watson Lester 74 3E 218 3 06-05-1900 09-13-1983 x x
Jones Gene L. Barbara 62 3W 143 T6 10-15-1925 10-27-1988 x x x WWII Casey
Jones George Edgar Mary E. 53 4W 81 5 10-24-1879 06-15-1953 x x Span. Am. War
Jones John Paul unmarried 75 5 4 4 08-26-1903 02-04-1991 x x
Jones Julienne Joseph 31 1 204 4 11-14-1871 05-15-1928 x x
Jones Koreen Booth 57 4W 114 4 10-11-1904 05-11-1994 x x 1st-H. Rumsey
Jones Lester Leroy Esther 74 3E 218 T3 06-06-1900 08-12-1982 x x
Jones Lucile T. Hytrek William 41 4W 4 2 10-13-1916 02-03-2000 x x 1st-Greenhalgh 2nd-Gore
Jones Mabel Louise Straw Warren 75 5 2 3 01-19-1897 04-07-1991 x x
Jones Mary Elizabeth Jones George 53 4W 81 6 11-03-1884 05-13-1956 x
Jones continued on next page
Jones Mary Jane Stephen 51 4W 73 3 03-10-1861 04-15-1941 x x 1st-Fields
Jones Mary June 11-22-1926 11-22-1926 x x NR
Jones Merle A. Vera R. 66 3E 165 3 11-12-1899 06-24-1980 x x Bill
Jones Michael Lynn unmarried 62 3W 143 3 07-16-1943 01-24-1964 x x x
Jones Retta Philips Ulysses 45 4W 33 3 00-00-1862 12-28-1937 x x
Jones Stephen B. Mary Jane 51 4W 73 4 05-03-1944 x age 78
Jones Terry Lee unmarried 77 5 25 2 06-29-1950 02-01-2020 x x x
Jones Todd Wilson 75 5 1 1 12-08-1956 03-20-1971 x x
Jones Ulysses S. Retta 45 4W 33 4 00-00-1863 10-16-1936 x x cty. commissioner
Jones Vera Ruth Berry Merle 66 3E 165 4 02-25-1916 02-03-1971 x x Ruth
Jones Warner Byron Mabel 75 5 2 4 07-08-1895 11-28-1964 x x x WWI Bud
Jones Wendel 113 5 250 1B 04-18-1949 10-03-2020 x 1st-Relinda Army
Jones William Riner Jeannie 75 5 1 1B 07-25-1928 05-22-2020 x
Jordan Cora R. VanDyke Edward 15 1 93 1 03-10-1874 10-16-1918 x x
Jordan Edward A. Cora 15 1 93 2 10-21-1866 02-22-1941 x x 2nd-Saunders
Jordan Hazel R. Rumsey Myriel 15 1 93 4 04-23-1897 03-13-1977 x x
Jordan Lawrence V. Ruby 15 1 93 8 01-27-1893 08-07-1971 x x
Jordan Leona Mae William 72 3E 197 2 03-28-1883 01-03-1975 x x
Jordan Myriel S. Hazel 15 1 93 3 04-09-1897 08-18-1962 x x x WWI
Jordan Ruby Maud Hines Lawrence 15 1 93 7 02-16-1899 07-01-1966 x x
Jordan William Alfred Leona 72 3E 197 1 02-20-1880 02-05-1965 x x
Joy Gail Settell Mem ori al Bld 02-07-1956 08-05-2022 x x
Juarez Barney 106 6 127 1 06-05-1916 12-29-1987 x x x WWII
Juarez Bonifacio J. Mary 106 6 127 1C 00-00-1880 02-05-1965
Juarez Dora Carmen Gonzalez married 62 3W 135 10-28-1931 08-18-2015 x x
Juarez John Carl 81 5 48 3 02-03-1947 02-14-1967 x x MVA
Juarez John Charles married 88 6 6 Ft1 10-20-1953 09-18-1993 x x Carlos
Juarez Juan Lupe 64 3W 152 4 06-24-1870 03-19-1958 x x
Juarez Mary Trujillo Bonifacio 106 6 127 2 07-26-1922 12-22-1997 x x
Juarez Mary C. Gonzales 62 3W 135 4D 04-29-1927 03-13-2009 x
Judah Dorothy N. Lezenhagen Thomas 91 5 116 4 05-07-1914 03-29-1975 x x
Judah Thomas Lloyd Dorothy 91 5 116 2 09-08-1909 08-15-1992 x x
Judd Kenneth L. Wilma 55 4W 98 6A 05-19-1903 12-31-1992 x x
Judd Lillian Abbey West Joel 55 4W 98 3 00-00-1863 10-25-1941 x x
Judd Wilma L. Goering Kenneth 55 4W 98 6B 05-27-1908 12-22-1979 x x
Judge Carl O. Lenora 27 1 176 4 07-10-1878 04-17-1939 x x
Judson Bertha Richards Elza 43 4W 22 5 11-12-1891 10-13-1979 x x
Judson Dean E. Eloise 43 4W 22 4 05-27-1927 08-01-1967 x x x MVA
Judson Elbert A. Mary 43 4W 22 3 10-13-1922 01-09-1960 x x x WWII
Judson Elizabeth Karen 43 4W 22 6A 11-01-1943 11-22-1943 x x x
Judson Elza Carlisle Bertha 43 4W 22 6C 04-16-1888 05-18-1978 x x
Judson Infant Girl 43 4W 22 07-02-1949 07-02-1949 x x daughter of Dean E.
Juschka Alfred Martin Leslie 36 2 103 8 11-10-1915 05-08-1989 x x
Juschka Fred Minnie 36 2 103 1 02-26-1883 02-13-1946 x x
Juschka Frederick Martin Kathleen 36 2 103 8B 07-29-1939 07-26-1992 x x x National Guard
Juschka Kathleen Deen Niemeyer Fred M. 36 2 103 8C 09-22-1942 10-29-2009 x x
Juschka June Eileen Large R. Elmer 95 5 131 4 11-14-1923 05-18-2014 x x 1st-J. Carlow Eileen
Juschka Leslie Mae Jessen Alfred 36 2 103 7 01-03-1919 05-12-2010 x x
Juschka Magdalena Ruth 36 2 103 5 07-20-1918 03-19-1919 x x x
Juschka Minnie Bartschat Fred 36 2 103 2 00-00-1884 09-07-1962 x x 2nd-H. Schnacker
Juschka Quent Martin 36 2 103 3 05-16-1977 09-16-1997 x x
Juschka Richard Elmer June 95 5 131 3 01-02-1921 02-01-1996 x x Elmer
Juschka Vern Edward 36 2 103 4 03-23-1941 07-17-2014 x x x 1st-S. Grant Shorty
Justice Lawrence Bessie 18 2 171 1 05-15-1911 x x NR Span. Am. War