Displaying Names Starting with  S   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z   
Sadler Callie Emma Turvey Curtis 37 1 240 2 02-17-1879 11-09-1956 x x 1st-R. Sadler
Sadler Curtis Elmer Callie 37 1 240 1 10-07-1867 07-19-1937 x x
Sadler Glenn Elmer unmarried 37 1 240 3 10-22-1905 12-22-1928 x x
Sadler Mamie Cody 94 6 45 2 04-14-1887 02-13-1974 x
Sadusky Ellen Burnett Clack Stanley 89 5 103 4 10-11-1923 11-11-2019 x x
Sailer Eldor Andrew Emma 110 6 151 3 12-09-1915 12-31-1991 x x
Sailer Emma Catherine Haus Eldor 110 6 151 4 06-06-1919 08-02-2007 x x
Sailer Roger Vernon Ardie 110 6 151 FT3 08-07-1940 02-14-2004 x x
Saindon Barbara Kay White Norman 119 8 22 1 10-07-1933 04-05-2001 x Bobbie
Salazar Della M. Lopez Joseph A. 84 3E 256 2 00-00-1930 09-16-1988 x x x
Salazar Female mother of John 82 3E 221 10-00-1931 NR childbirth PC
Salazar Joe Abelino Mary 76 3E 194 8 04-07-1884 06-25-1942 x x x PC WWII tornado
Salazar John Jr. 82 3E 221 5 10-00-1931 11-06-1931 x x PC 1 mo.
Salazar Jose Luez 82 3E 220 2 07-01-1934 01-29-1935 x x x PC date on stone 1936
Salazar Joseph Alfonso Della 84 3E 256 1 01-29-1921 03-13-1986 x x x WWII
Salazar Joseph Ramos Rachel 88 6 12 4 03-30-1908 07-05-1974 x x
Salazar Marina Vigil Telesfor 88 6 12 2 00-00-1889 12-09-1980 x
Salazar Mary Pacomio Joe 76 3E 194 7 08-14-1884 07-01-1942 x PC tornado
Salazar Phyllis Baros John 82 3E 221 3B 02-03-1934 03-17-2004 x x PC
Salazar Rachel Vigil Joseph R. 88 6 12 3 03-15-1913 07-09-1989 x x
Salazar Raymond Ramos Gloria 118 6 199 2 01-21-1939 10-24-1999 x x
Salazar Susan R. Salazar Martinez 114 6 174 4 06-25-19435 01-23-2021 x also listed under Martinez
Salazar Telesfor Marina 88 6 12 1 03-30-1900 10-23-1972 x x
Salladay 1 1 10 07-06-1924 06-03-1942 NR
Salladay Clyde William Iva 1 1 10 3 1958 1st-Nina
Salladay Iva Maud King Clyde 1 1 10 2 06-29-1896 04-09-1935 x
Salladay Nina Idella Joslin Clyde 1 1 10 1 06-03-1890 09-28-1917 x x
Sample Mary Eloise Rietz James 15 1 97 02-12-1909 01-21-1994 x x NR SO Peggy
Sanchez Amelia Elma 04-12-1929 x x NR 4 mo.
Sanchez Debra Jean 86 3E 262 1 07-05-1954 02-24-1965 x x
Sanchez Lupe Juarez 102 6 100 4 05-01-1894 06-09-1985 x x
Sanchez Pomposo Guadelupe 65 4E 180 7 00-00-1869 03-21-1950 x x descrepency in dates stone/obit
Sanchez Virginia C. Gonzalez 62 3W 135 4C 12-24-1920 07-31-2001 x
Sanchy Nemico 00-00-1928 00-00-1928 x x NR 2 mo. Old
Sandberg Oscar Edwin unmarried 06-00-1884 12-30-1910 x NR blasting accident
Sanders Amalia J. Gonzalez 62 3W 135 3A 10-02-1913 09-30-2010 x
Sanders Carl West 5 1 39 4 10-25-1917 10-14-1919 x x x ptomaine
Sanford Gale Glee Folz Raymond Mem ori al Bld 04-01-1938 05-31-2024 x x
Sanford Raymond Walter Gale Mem ori al Bld 06-27-1935 06-15-2020 x x
Sarbaugh Amos Ida 2 2 5 1 00-00-1856 09-12-1911 x x
Sarbaugh George 8 2 139 2 05-10-1850 01-05-1904 x x
Sarbaugh Ida Sandel Amos 2 2 5 3 10-24-1863 07-22-1924 x x
Sater Ardith Monroe Martha 74 3E 210 2 03-09-1912 04-21-1960 x x
Sater Martha Viola Black Ardith 74 3E 210 3 08-28-1913 04-30-1986 x x
Sater Sharon Coleen 74 3E 210 1 06-11-1946 06-11-1946 x x
Saum Bertha S. Eugene 21 1 136 1 07-25-1868 10-09-1924 x x 1st-Good
Saum S. Eugene Bertha 21 1 136 4 04-17-1930 x age 69
Saunders Infant I 5 1 36 5 05-16-1916 x
Saunders Infant II 5 1 36 6 04-01-1928 x
Saunders Thelma Marie 5 1 36 4 00-00-1916 01-15-1932 x
Saunders William Fleming Anna 5 1 36 1 03-29-1871 10-16-1919 x x well cave-in
Saverine Anne Elizabeth Betters Thomas 71 4E 211 3 03-06-1959 11-27-2003 x
Saverine Joseph Jr. John 71 4E 211 09-10-1946 09-17-1951 x x
Saverine Joseph Sr John Theresa 71 4E 211 6 09-14-1911 12-20-1984 x x 2nd -Alma
Saverine Theresa Marie Joseph Sr 71 4E 211 5 00-00-1922 01-23-1982 x x Tessie
Savoy David Francis Lois 11 1 72 8 02-03-1924 07-02-1987 x x x WWII
Savoy Lois Janet Holt David 11 1 72 7 02-22-1927 05-07-2012 x x
Saxton Annie S. Hooper William 26 2 192 02-27-1840 12-30-1900 x NR
Saxton William S. Annie 26 2 192 04-11-1901 x NR age 70
Schabacker Otilia Margaret 7 1 47 12-08-1921 06-05-1922 x x NR
Schad Isabelle Pope Otto 91 5 105 4 12-03-1925 02-06-2013 x x REA manager
Schad Laura Christina A. Witt Raymond 91 5 105 2 11-14-1904 11-02-1990 x x
Schad Norman Raymond 91 5 105 2B 03-24-1933 09-07-2004 x x Vietnam Buzzy
Schad Otto Henry Isabelle 91 5 105 3 09-25-1926 03-12-2011 x x x USPO employee Bud
Schad Raymond S. Laura 91 5 105 1 02-09-1905 04-23-1973 x x
Schafer Ila 12-03-1905 06-25-1925 x NR horse accident
Schamel Bessie Ona Frank 44 3W 17 2 10-02-1882 01-20-1952 x x
Schamel Frank A. Bessie 44 3W 17 1 10-09-1881 08-09-1952 x x
Schanwolf Eva Catherine Kaiser David 71 4E 209 2 04-19-1885 11-19-1952 x NS
Schaub Ronald Wayne Karen 127 8 69 3 05-13-1949 08-08-2018 x x Ron
Scheib Virginia Lee 3 1 21 1 00-00-1919 12-14-1920 x x x
Scheie Fred E. Valeta 9 1 56 1 00-00-1869 06-08-1927 x x Justice of the Peace
Scheie Valeta Adelia McElhaney Fred 9 1 56 4 00-00-1878 07-20-1925 x x
Scheler Emroy Earl 49 4W 65 6 11-04-1927 05-11-1935 x x
Scheler Ethel V. Estep Raymond 49 4W 65 4 10-20-1894 12-31-1981 x x
Scheler Raymond H. Ethel 49 4W 65 3 10-16-1888 06-04-1935 x x
Schilt Elizabeth Ann Fish Louie 13 1 85 8 12-20-1937 06-28-2018 x x Liz
Schilt Louis L. Elizabeth 13 1 85 7 11-01-1033 06-25-2010 x x Louie
Schirmer Alexander G. 120 6 212 2 10-28-1972 12-17-1994 x
Schirmer Ambrose Leon 120 6 212 3 01-23-1954 01-31-2023 x
Schirmer Charlotte F. 90 6 14 4 08-07-1943 02-27-1975 x
Schirmer Frances Elizabeth Purdue Charles 90 6 14 FT4 12-16-1924 09-07-2000 x x
Schirmer Millie Marie 120 6 212 2C 09-12-1950 07-07-2010
Schmidt Jimmy Ernest Alberta 72 3E 205 2 07-13-1941 11-29-1960 x x construction accident
Schmidt Leona LaVon Baker Ernest 72 3E 205 3 04-24-1918 04-02-1967 x x
Schnacker Grace Jane Rosebrough Herman 63 4E 162 4 03-00-1877 08-07-1946 x x 1st-Daniels
Schnacker Herman E. Viola 63 4E 162 3 00-00-1873 08-01-1970 x x 1st-Grace 2nd-Minnie Juschka
Schnebelin Mary Elizabeth 05-25-1917 x NR age 57
Schneider Andrew Joseph Viola 74 3E 211 2 03-03-1904 08-06-1975 x x Andy
Schneider Orion Rose 84 3E 223 4 00-00-1932 05-11-1933 x x x PC whooping cough
Schneider Viola Mae Henryes Andrew 74 3E 211 1 06-18-1908 11-21-1984 x x
Scholle Clara Etta Melton Fred 19 1 125 1 09-20-1864 02-21-1952 x x
Scholle Frederick William Clara 19 1 125 2 04-20-1860 11-18-1922 x x
Schooley Olga Leota Mills Samuel 86 3E 264 2 03-20-1914 12-19-2004 x x 1st -Jay Smith (stone 76
Scholten Robert Wayne Marge Mem orial Build ing 08-08-1946 10-29-2020 x x Bob Covid
Schrader Cordine F. Miller Theodore 48 3W 52 2 12-16-1914 05-06-1995 x x
Schrader Theodore S. Cordine 48 3W 52 1 03-21-1910 06-06-1980 x x Ted mortician Schrader Funeral Home
Schreyer Charles Jr. Fredrick 54 3W 80 6 05-16-1934 04-01-1935 x x x
Schreyer Charles Sr Fredrick Maude 54 3W 80 1 12-18-1900 04-18-1958 x x
Schreyer Frank Peter Velma 120 6 210 11-03-1936 05-28-2014 x x x
Schreyer Maude Erie Walker Charles 54 3W 80 3 10-27-1906 04-26-2001 x x Madie 1st-A. Purdue
Schreyer Shirley Jeanine Schreyer 120 6 210 1 09-28-1943 12-26-1987 x x 1st-Brown
Schreyer Velma Jean Heard Frank 120 6 210 4 10-11-1921 02-19-1984 x x
Schroeder Edith LaVerne Hutchison H. Dean 140 7 76 2 03-02-1925 10-28-2012 x x LaVerne
Schroeder Elizabeth Cartarius Gustave 71 4E 214 3 02-02-1862 06-16-1949 x x
Schroeder Gustave Herman Elizabeth 71 4E 214 2 05-26-1865 07-22-1957 x x
Schoeder Herman Dean LaVerne 140 7 76 1 01-09-1924 08-27-2016 x x x DVM Doc
Schroetlin Dolly Maxine Callen William 116 6 194 2 05-08-1916 02-11-2001 x x
Schroetlin William Dolly 116 6 194 1 03-02-1909 07-06-1988 x x x WWII
Schuldies Clara Dittenber Henry 126 6 255 4 02-22-1918 08-30-2013 x x
Schuldies Eugene Lee Phyllis 128 6 266 2 08-05-1941 10-05-2021 x Gene
Schuldies Henry Clara 126 6 255 3 12-16-1911 11-05-1993 x x
Schuldies Scott Allen 128 6 266 3 08-09-1966 11-25-1984 x x MVA
Schurr Carl Melvin Elnora 67 4E 185 6 09-28-1908 07-02-1983 x x x WWII
Schurr Elnora Ethel Whiting Carl 67 4E 185 5 07-09-1915 12-28-1989 x x
Schurr Mabel B. unmarried 102 6 96 1 09-23-1903 06-19-1992 x
Schurr Mark Nellie 67 4E 185 3 07-29-1866 03-09-1950 x x Homesteaded Glendo
Schurr Nellie J. Patton Mark 67 4E 185 4 01-15-1875 03-19-1966 x x Homesteaded Glendo
Schute Barney unmarried 14 2 42 4 00-00-1862 04-00-1907 x x 45 yrs.
Schutt August Henry Evelyn Mem ori al Bldg. 10-04-1942 04-13-1981 x x x Gus killed working at REA
Schwatske Laura M. Baker F.C. 21 1 139 4 03-22-1891 04-14-1921 x x
Scott Betty Jean 19 1 123 2 01-31-1927 01-31-1927 x x
Scott Charles unmarried 87 5 79 4 04-01-1894 09-05-1972 x x
Scott Child 10-17-1903 x NR scarlet fever
Scott Donald Robert Laura 82 3E 247 3 07-10-1921 05-12-1970 x x x WWII
Scott Earl Sr. A. married 53 4W 79 1 00-00-1895 05-24-1940 x x
Scott Edward R. O. Alice 100 6 86 3 09-06-1912 03-08-1980 x x x WWII
Scott Elizabeth 39 1 257 11-00-1900 x NR age 13 Thomas & Thursey parents
Scott Kenneth Edward 19 1 123 1 05-14-1921 07-29-1921 x x x whooping cough
Scott Mary Ann Houston Walter 19 1 123 2B 00-00-1896 01-31-1975 x
Scott Oline Alice McCann Edward 100 6 86 4 06-20-1911 02-27-2006 x x Alice
Scott contin ued on next page
Scott Randal William 82 3E 247 5 06-29-1963 03-07-1965 x x x
Scott Rebecca Jayne Keeton Francis 24 2 188 2 10-04-1850 12-29-1932 x
Scott Robert William Rose 88 6 4 3 09-08-1905 07-01-1975 x x MVA
Scott Ronald Dean unmarried 100 6 87 2 06-01-1954 10-04-1991 x x
Scott Rosie Katherine Mondragon Elmer 88 6 4 12-01-1910 09-21-2001 x x 2nd-Leth
Scott Thomas Alvery Thursey 39 1 257 3 06-06-1879 02-22-1931 x x blood poisoning
Scott Thomas Hubert unmarried 39 1 257 5 01-05-1907 10-05-1932 x x typhoid fever
Scott Thursey May Howe Thomas A. 39 1 257 4 02-05-1877 11-20-1959 x x
Scott Walter H. Mary 19 1 123 1B 00-00-1884 06-11-1966 x
Scovell Josie K. Faust Otis 2 2 4 1 03-04-1856 05-25-1911 x x
Scranton Edward Lyle Fannie 54 3W 90 2 01-28-1881 05-29-1956 x x
Scranton Elizabeth M. Cresap Orville 49 4W 58 4 09-15-1910 07-07-2002 x x Betty
Scranton Fannie Isabella Ramer Edward 54 3W 90 1 03-21-1883 04-24-1957 x x
Scranton Kathleen Mercedes Huffstutter Perry 53 4W 83 6 02-04-1911 03-19-2006 x x 1st-H.Mahrt
Scranton Orville Len Elizabeth 49 4W 58 3 12-06-1913 04-17-1989 x x
Scranton Perry Edward Kathleen 53 4W 83 5 05-15-1906 07-02-1983 x x
Scranton Robert Lyle 14 2 156 3 07-13-1907 009-21-1924 x x polio
Scull Richard D. J. Watters 51 4W 75 1 12-24-1863 09-27-1939 x x 1st- I. Beck
Seager unknown 16 2 43 4
Searl Elta May Scholle Fred 19 1 125 7 05-02-1900 10-26-1985 x x
Searl Ethel Leah Havely Clarence 9 1 62 3 00-00-1894 07-23-1939 x x
Searl Frederick Sylvester Elta 19 1 125 8 07-13-1892 03-16-1978 x x x WWI
Searl Infant Boy 19 1 125 5A 00-00-1928 00-00-1928 x x
Searl John Sophia 47 4W 40 2 09-11-1859 05-27-1954 x x
Searl Maxine 9 1 62 4 00-00-1915 00-00-1915 x x
Searl Olive Edith unmarried 47 4W 40 06-14-1914 12-05-1948 x x
Searl Sophia I. Davidson John 47 4W 40 03-28-1870 06-10-1957 x x
Searles Edna Lewis Ervine 19 1 122 2 08-07-1890 01-12-1955 x x
Searles Ervine Edna 19 1 122 1 00-00-1886 02-15-1921 x x
Searles Homer Dean Katherine 51 4W 68 1 00-00-1881 11-05-1936 x x 2 stones
Searles Katherine M. Herrold Homer 51 4W 68 2 09-21-1888 12-15-1985 x x
Sears Carroll Frank Katherine 43 4W 17 1 05-30-1879 11-16-1936 x x
Sears Charles G. unmarried 27 1 177 4 00-00-1851 04-23-1926 x x bridge/barn builder
Sears Katherine Goebel Carroll 43 4W 17 2 11-27-1887 09-26-1935 x x
Sebern Abram Harvey Leah 4 2 126 3 02-23-1830 06-18-1900 x x
Sebern Earl Goodell 6 2 135 1 10-22-1883 08-20-1899 x x drowning
Sebern Leah J. Vanice Abram 4 2 126 2 05-09-1906 x
Secrest Helene McGinley LaRue 57 4W 106 5 10-18-1907 11-24-1962 x x
Secrest LaRue Benjamin Helene 57 4W 106 6 07-08-1912 04-21-1963 x x x WWII mayor DC
Sedman Maria L. Shoemaker Robert 57 4W 105 4 01-12-1921 02-16-1984 x x Daisie
Sedman Robert Easton Maria 57 4W 105 3 12-19-1921 05-17-1980 x x x WWII
Seibel Anna Mary Jacob 31 1 205 2 00-00-1887 04-27-1929 x x Mary
Seitz Infant Boy 71 4E 209 5A 05-24-1960 05-24-1960 x x
Selby Albert William Clara 79 5 35 1 03-08-1888 08-17-1967 x x Bill unfinished stone
Selby Clara Belle Bovee Albert 79 5 35 2 09-27-1892 07-14-1966 x x
Selby George Sr. B. Martha 5 1 30 5 11-28-1855 04-16-1934 x x 1st-Lillie
Selby Martha E. Thomas George 5 1 30 6 10-03-1853 10-02-1933 x x
Senano Aurora 82 3E 219 08-06-1937 x PC age 21 TB
Sergel Glenn Harry Sylvia 114 6 178 1 09-02-1904 02-02-1988 x x
Sergel Sylvia L. Weisner Glenn 114 6 178 2 02-19-1909 09-03-1991 x x
Settell Archie Maria 83 5 65 07-14-1924 07-10-1986 x x x WWII SO NR
Settell Darrell Lee unmarried Mem ori al Bld 09-28-1943 03-16-2022 x x x 1st-Loretta Black Navy
Settell Dona M. Preuit Leland Mem ori al Bld 03-03-1932 01-12-2002 x x
Settell Gerald Alford 83 5 65 3 01-06-1934 09-02-1936 x x reinterred
Settell Harold Augustine Joyce 122 6 232 08-16-1922 12-29-2010 x x x WWII SO Gus
Settell Harold Hobart Leona 83 5 65 09-03-1896 04-03-1968 x x
Settell Leland A Dona Mem ori al Bld 07-24-1926 03-23-2011 x x x Army
Settell Leona G. Hunt Harold 83 5 65 11-14-1899 04-06-1988 x x
Settell Marcella Joyce Gudahl Harold A. 122 6 232 10-29-1921 06-05-2016 x x Joyce SO
Seymour Donna Faye Whitford Melvin 132` 7 26 4 04-26-1940 04-17-2013 x x
Seymour Melvin LeRoy Donna 132 7 26 3 01-26-1934 10-09-1995 x x x Lefty
Shacklett Billie M. Hinds Harry 9 1 58 2 05-23-1911 06-03-1942 x x MVA
Shafer Anna Marie WayneSr. 76 3E 224 2 01-02-1900 04-22-1984 x x
Shafer Brandy Marie 57 4W 108 4 09-27-1975 09-27-1975 x x
Shafer Carol Sue Day Andy 79 5 28 1B 11-07-1952 06-03-2018 x x DOD on stone is wrong
Shafer Floy Clara Dove William E. 16 2 48 7 10-04-1895 12-30-1980 x x
Shafer Helen Marie Pulver Max W. 57 4W 108 3 00-00-1929 05-10-1973 x x
Shafer Max W. Helen 57 4W 108 06-06-1929 08-06-1994 x x x Korea SO NR 2nd-May
Shafer May Pitcairn Johnston Max 113 5 253 4 05-20-1938 03-29-2009 x x
Shafer Wayne Jr. Arlie 76 3E 224 3 02-03-1923 10-18-2008 x x WWII
Shafer Wayne Sr. Arlie Anna 76 3E 224 1 02-13-1899 04-24-1962 x x x WWI
Shafer William Elmer Floy 16 2 48 8 03-28-1882 08-21-1960 x x
Shaffer Charles Richard June 85 5 78 4 10-19-1907 03-30-1969 x x
Shaffer Fredrick N. Mary 47 4W 47 7 09-25-1911 08-05-1959 x x obit. name misspelled ranch accident
Shaffer Joseph Frederick Ellen 47 4W 47 8 08-20-1942 09-25-1975 x x x MVA Vietnam
Shanahan Everett Lawrence Mary 117 8 9 1 12-01-1922 05-31-2006 x x x WWII
Shanahan Mark Debbie 117 8 9 03-30-1049 08-13-2020 x
Shanahan Mary Elaine Harvey Everett 117 8 9 2 08-28-1922 07-11-2009 x x
Sharp Ila June Wilson Roy 117 8 11 4 03-01-1941 07-14-2011 x x 1st-Harrington
Shaw Rose 90 6 15 2 05-31-1897 07-15-1981 x
Shefferd Ann Christine John 87 5 83 1 07-05-1953 04-13-2022 reinterred
Shefferd John Ann 87 5 83 1B 12-29-1949 02-25-2009 reinterred
Shefferd John Jr. Anna 87 5 83 1 12-29-1949 02-25-2009 x x x Vietnam Jay
Shefferd John Sr. Daisy 81 5 48 4 03-02-1914 09-22-1975 x x
Shefferd Kathleen Rebecca Johnson 140 7 69 4 11-07-1948 05-29-2009 x x Kate home accident
Sheldon Arthur B. Catherine 01-02-1895 x NR father of Alfred & Leo
Sheldon Alfred Byron Minnie 13 1 86 8 00-00-1878 06-02-1954 x
Sheldon Arthur Henry unmarried 53 4W 90 5 11-15-1913 01-06-1942 x x Mutt hypothermia
Sheldon Leo B. Lizzie 53 4W 90 3 07-09-1881 07-13-1964 x x
Sheldon Lizzie D. Strait Leo 53 4W 90 4 10-11-1885 05-08-1949 x x twin to Lettie Mullen
Sheldon Minnie Isis Baker Alfred 13 1 86 2 10-14-1890 08-26-1952 x
Shelton Claude LeRoy unmarried 44 3W 22 1 05-26-1923 04-23-1950 x x x WWII MVA
Shelton Elsie Menter Paul 18 2 53 7 11-12-1893 06-08-1931 x
Shelton Florence Edwin Miller Jack 107 5 220 2 06-01-1913 09-12-2011 x x 1st-R. Hegglund2nd stone w/Hegg.
Shelton Jack Milton Florence 107 5 220 1 07-27-1922 11-11-2007 x x x WWII 1st-H.Read 2nd-V.Disbrow
Shelton James Milton Linda 124 6 250 1 11-10-1946 03-22-1987 x x x Vietnam homicide in Texas
Shepard Bernita Morrison Paten W. 41 4W 11 FT4 00-00-1900 12-10-1976 x x
Shepard Elmyra Jane Hodgins Thomas 65 4E 182 1 09-21-1869 03-15-1954 x x
Shepard George Perry unmarried 102 6 92 1 12-28-1958 05-28-1979 x x
Shepard Hulda Akerblade Paten A. 41 4W 11 3 03-24-1876 04-24-1936 x x Wh. pioneers
Shepard Lloyd A. Pauline 44 3W 26 1 01-12-1915 11-25-1984 x x Toad
Shepard Louise Marion Steinmark Willard
Shepard Paten A. Hulda 41 4W 11 4 02-09-1869 07-09-1948 x x Wh. pioneers
Shepard Paten William Bernita 41 4W 11 4B 00-00-1904 02-19-1982 x
Shepard Pauline Nagle Lloyd 44 3W 26 2 05-07-1917 03-26-2012 x x
Shepard Robert Francis Lana 142 12 297 02-26-1937 02-06-2016 x x x Vietnam
Shepard Thomas Russell Elmyra 65 4E 182 2 11-17-1865 11-01-1953 x x pioneer
Shepard Willard Sr. J. Louise 102 6 92 3 03-02-1925 12-10-2001 x x x Korea
Shepard William Wesley Mary Louise 44 3W 26 3 09-01-1935 02-21-1998 x x
Shepherd Alma Irene Sonnabon Frank 52 3W 72 2 03-15-1905 09-18-1970 x x
Shepherd Frank R. Alma 52 3W 72 3 00-00-1912 06-30-1972 x x
Shepherd Joseph W. 24 2 191 2 00-00-1910 00-00-1911 x x
Shepherd Laura Graham William 24 2 191 1 00-00-1887 09-13-1915 x x
Shepherd Lucinda Menefee William 52 3W 72 4 04-19-1886 05-16-1992 x x Lulu 106 yr 1st-Clyde Roberts
Shepherd William Laura 24 2 191 3 00-00-1888 08-28-1946 x x 2nd--Lucinda
Sherard Clara Jean Wendt Donald 122 6 224 4 03-26-1927 03-16-2004 x x
Sherard Donald Nelson C. Jean 122 6 224 6 03-25-1923 12-16-2015 x x x WWII
Sherard Donald William unmarried 122 6 224 6 12-24-1983 02-22-2011 x x Donny
Sherwood Dorothea Louise 15 1 104 6 07-22-1932 05-24-1933 x x x
Sherwood Herman Roy Viola 15 1 104 3 03-21-1898 04-01-1987 x x Roy
Sherwood Maxine Dorothy Burzlaff Roland 61 4E 153 4 01-10-1928 06-11-2021 x
Sherwood Phyllis Marie 61 4E 153 8 10-01-1950 10-13-1950 x x x
Sherwood Roland Maxine 61 4E 153 4 06-20-1927 12-20-2013 x x x Corky NG SO
Sherwood Viola Fredricka Hoffman Herman 15 1 104 4 02-27-1896 02-12-1985 x x
Shields Paul Christine 140 7 72 1A 08-13-1933 02-14-2011 x x
Shinn Charles Wesley unmarried 53 4W 87 1 08-25-1943 x age 80
Shinn Corda Alma Pearcy Willis 41 4W 4 4 03-05-1880 12-16-1940 x x
Shinn Guy unmarried 53 4W 87 2 02-04-1872 08-28-1958 x
Shinn Willis Corda 41 4W 4 3 02-04-1870 11-21-1937 x x
Shmidl Sandra Louise McCallister Roy 140 7 75 2 09-10-1941 04-27-2010 x x
Shockley Billy Gene unmarried 37 1 240 6 06-15-1946 04-20-1980 x x
Shockley Glenn Edward Ova 112 6 161 3 04-27-1910 10-01-1997 x x
Shockley Marty Joseph 73 4E 230 3 03-29-1966 11-21-1985 x x
Shockley Ova Leota Norris Glenn 112 6 161 4 04-30-1916 05-16-2014 x x
Shoemaker Cecil Mae Lucas William 65 4E 174 08-28-1886 02-19-1964 x x NR
Shoemaker Jonathan Dale 65 4E 174 8 08-01-1946 08-29-1946 x x x
Shoemaker William Henry Cecil 65 4E 174 4 11-16-1882 01-01-1969 x x Bill
Shoop Henry Merritt Jeanette 128 6 272 2 03-05-1899 08-05-1989 x x
Shoop Jeanette Marceil Lamboley Henry 128 6 272 3 06-09-1909 04-23-2000 x x
Short Charles Louis Kathryn 108 6 137 3 01-31-1917 10-30-1987 x x x WWII 1st-Ella
Short Dari Ann 9 1 154 8 10-25-1955 12-09-2021
Short Ella May Thomas Charles 23 1 154 4 05-06-1866 02-13-1942 x x
Short Irene Weinmaster Kenneth 134 7 38 2 09-22-1921 09-16-2009 x x
Short Jean Ellis Vernon 81 5 49 5 08-21-1927 08-02-2017 x x 1st-Huston
Short Kathryn Norvell Charles 108 6 137 4 06-19-1925 04-06-1985 x x
Short Kenneth Merle Irene 134 7 38 01-12-1919 07-02-2015 x x x WWII landed on Omaha Beach
Short Lester Mable 98 6 67 3 05-01-1890 05-28-1979 x x
Short Mable Florence Sanderson Lester 98 6 67 4 07-03-1894 10-18-1984 x x
Short Melvin Charles Rheda 23 1 154 1 12-03-1895 02-10-1991 x x 2nd-Velma
Short Owen Lester unmarried 112 6 168 1 02-14-1924 01-07-1993 x x x WWII
Short Rheda Wickam Melvin 23 1 154 2 02-07-1903 07-16-1962 x x carbon monoxide
Short Roger Allen unmarried 134 7 37 1 10-19-1952 08-15-2020 x
Short Russell Keith 23 1 154 3 10-01-1927 03-13-1928 x x x
Short Sand Dee Mila Mem orial Build ing 02-28-1961 06-10-2016 x x
Short Vernon C. Jean 23 1 154 8 03-19-1928 09-06-1999 x x x 2nd-June
Shue Genevieve June White Marvin 120 6 209 06-02-1934 11-12-2002 x x 1st-Kinsolving; 2nd -V Short
Shue Marvin K. Genevieve 120 6 209 2 12-25-1933 07-31-1993 x x x Korea
Shufflebarger Charles Oliver Ruth 84 3E 261 1 07-14-1909 12-31-1985 x x Blue
Shufflebarger Roy D. married 68 3E 173 3 08-10-1880 06-10-1968 x x
Shufflebarger Ruth Irene Cozad Charles 84 3E 261 2 02-25-1913 09-22-1993 x x
Shumock Toni Marie 71 4E 209 10 12-30-1962 01-01-1963 x x NS
Shupp Allen Howard Bessie 55 4W 97 3 04-14-1890 04-25-1965 x x
Shupp Bessie Adelaide Noyce Allen 55 4W 97 4 04-23-1886 04-03-1943 x x
Sibal Jennie C. 25 1 163 7 08-23-1989
Sibert Minnie I. Dunham married 31 1 206 5 12-27-1882 01-24-1960 x x 1st-Dye
Sickels Betty Joan Locke Stanley 20 2 60 3 05-15-1930 11-09-1966 x x
Sickels Stanley Lewis Betty 118 6 198 1 05-27-1908 12-27-1990 x x x WWII 2nd-Jessie
Siel Frank Jr. Edward Margaret 123 8 46 1 07-09-1929 01-26-2006 x x x WWII
Siel Margaret Irene Ochoa Ed 123 8 45 2 11-17-1928 08-01-2020 x
Silva Infant Boy 55 4W 92 7 10-25-1944 10-25-1944 x
Simmons George Lizzie 02-22-1918 x NR age 45
Simmons Lizzie George 04-20-1917 x NR childbirth
Simmons Sandra Sue Dablemont married 132 7 25 4 11-10-1946 12-03-1998 x x x Vietnam
Simonson Mildred Erica 02-23-1911 07-16-1914 x NR drowning
Simpkins John C. married 24 2 67 00-00-1874 09-15-1933 x x
Simpkins John Sr. W. Mary 24 2 67 3 12-07-1921 x NS nasal hemorrhage
Simpkins Mary Jane Orr John W. 24 2 67 2 01-21-1837 11-26-1913 x NS
Simpson Margaret C. Gordon Buck 10 2 30 2 00-00-1872 04-05-1959 x x
Sims Bernard Louis unmarried 93 5 120 4 12-24-1902 07-19-1979 x x x WWII
Sinner Kathyrn Fern 10 2 147 7 04-24-1954 04-24-1954 x x
Sinner Walter J. Evelyn 10 2 147 7B 03-22-1924 06-25-1996 x
Sisson Lawrence Trim married 67 4E 192 3 04-21-1885 07-06-1948 x
Skoglund Arthur Melvin married 56 3W 99 1 00-00-1910 08-18-1953 x x
Skoglund Pearl Louisa Schurr Walter 101 5 170 1 07-30-1905 10-21-1987 x x unfinished stone
Skoglund Walter L. Pearl 101 5 170 2 03-07-1900 04-12-1979 x x
Skoog Infant 43 4W 22 17 09-20-1984 09-20-1984 x x x
Slagle Edward Thomas 90 6 17 1 05-29-1899 05-23-1976 x x drowning
Slentz Robert Maxwell Winnie 120 6 219 1 12-03-1918 04-05-2000 x x x
Slentz Winnie Faye Crouch Robert 120 6 219 2 12-17-1916 09-11-1991 x x
Small Doris Ann Skelton Milton 115 5 264 2 09-10-1932 06-30-2016 x x
Small Eunice Irene Wickam Gilbert 122 6 228 1 11-23-1904 10-09-2006 x x
Small Gilbert William Eunice 122 6 228 2 11-29-1900 04-23-1990 x x state senator
Small Herbert Ennis Pauline 122 6 228 3 11-22-1898 03-11-1985 x x x WWII
Small Herbert Milton Josephine 26 2 198 1 08-28-1861 01-11-1947 x x
Small Josephine Carter Ennis Herbert M 26 2 198 2 09-09-1871 02-15-1956 x x
Small Milton William Doris 115 5 264 2 06-21-1931 05-01-2021 x x Army
Small Pauline Kaisler Herbert E. 122 6 228 4 10-15-1911 05-05-1997 x x
Smalley Bessie Annetta Hanks Charles 78 3E 200 2 05-20-1901 02-10-1975 x x PC 1st-Wirtz
Smalley Charles W. Bessie 78 3E 200 1 03-11-1902 10-04-1974 x x PC Chod
Smith Alice B. Edward L. 39 1 255 3 00-00-1885 04-18-1928 x x
Smith Barbara Elizabeth Troyer Benjamin 65 4E 170 4 10-15-1884 05-05-1968 x x
Smith Benjamin Franklin Barbara 65 4E 170 3 05-09-1884 03-18-1945 x x
Smith Benjamin John unmarried Mem ori al Bld. 08-08-1980 10-27-2020 x x Benny
Smith Betty 9 1 55 x SO
Smith Betty Irene Lewis 37 1 246 7B 03-08-1933 06-28-2017 x
Smith Cameron Wade unmarried 101 5 177 2 03-18-1992 06-06-2012 x x
Smith Cecelia Caroline Nolan Michael 31 1 201 3 04-21-1854 12-14-1942 x x
Smith Charles Daniel Katherine 6 2 133 4 12-28-1885 04-20-1942 x
Smith Christopher Donald 122 6 227 2 12-25-1961 01-07-1998 x
Smith Clarence G. Mary 9 1 55 3 07-27-1891 10-24-1956 x x Pinky MVA
Smith Cleo 71 4E 221 5 02-15-1953 02-16-1953 x x x
Smith Dellight 9 1 55 05-21-1928 x x MVA 14 yrs. NR
Smith Don Edward Verla 124 6 241 3 06-04-1918 09-09-1998 x x x
Smith Donald Ross unmarried 17 1 109 5 02-09-1911 05-08-1935 x x MVA
Smith Edward Minnie 47 4W 51 3 05-30-1889 06-18-1980 x x
Smith Edward Lewis Alice 39 1 255 4 06-03-1875 01-08-1958 x x
Smith Eva D. Ross Walter 17 1 109 4 05-22-1877 08-18-1965 x x
Smith Frank Edward 7 1 44 2 08-27-1909 02-14-1917 x x measles
Smith Jr. Fredrick Leroy Myrtle Mem orial Build ing 08-29-1934 12-19-2019 x x Fred
Smith III Fredrick Leroy unmarried Mem oiral Build ing 09-02-1957 04-18-2010 x x Little Fred1st Marcie Short
Smith Freda Lonene Thomas Lloyd 124 6 242 2 10-03-1923 07-08-2001 x x x WWII
Smith Gaston Jr Franklin Joan 138 7 54 2 03-12-1930 03-12-2014 x x x Frank
Smith Genevieve Mae Perry Laurel 62 3W 142 1B 11-28-1917 10-23-2015 x x
Smith George Otto unmarried 68 3E 180 1 02-17-1893 04-17-1959 x x x WWI
Smith Grace Chellis Glover married 75 5 76 1 00-00-1910 01-30-1969 x x
Smith Idora May Miller Loell 5 1 34 4 03-14-1923 12-05-1957 x x 1st-Harroun
Smith Infant Boy 73 4E 222 12 07-09-1959 07-09-1959 x x son of VH Smith
Smith Infant Girl 9 1 55 03-00-1929 04-11-1929 x NR 17 days parents Clarence & Mary
Smith Iona Nane McMullin 23 1 155 3 04-01-1903 11-13-1997 x
Smith Isa Ruth Treichel Kenneth 80 3E 243 3 09-01-1908 02-20-1994 x x
Smith James E. Anna 7 1 44 1 03-21-1880 03-25-1933 x x
Smith Jay McKinley Olga 76 3E 223 1 07-18-1898 04-03-1962 x x
Smith John Thomas Harriet 57 4W 117 2 10-05-1944 x age 66
Smith Josephine 100 6 87 1 12-03-1983
Smith Julia Martha Henke William J. 16 2 164 6 09-09-1892 02-02-1986 x x
Smith Keith unmarried 17 1 109 6 04-28-1921 03-29-1942 x x MVA
Smith Kenneth Walter Isa 80 3E 243 2 01-23-1908 09-13-1963 x x
Smith Larry Dare 52 3W 69 3 12-03-1934 07-21-1970 x x x Korea
Smith Laurel Marvin Genevieve 62 3W 142 1B 02-14-1917 10-27-2011 x x x WWII Larry
Smith Lester A. Dorothy 52 3W 69 1 11-12-1910 01-11-1953 x x x WWII Curley
Smith Lloyd Preston Freda 124 6 242 1 10-11-1921 02-27-1991 x x x WWII
Smith Martha Ann 7 1 44 4 02-04-1849 04-05-1930 x
Smith Martha Frances Mills Robert E. 114 6 174 2 11-14-1910 05-31-2006 x x
Smith Mary Katherine Penfield Clarence 9 1 55 1 09-26-1895 07-17-1973 x x
Smith Merle Robert unmarried 47 4W 51 1 11-25-1919 12-15-1938 x x gasoline explosion
Smith Michael Day Cecilia 31 1 201 2 04-24-1856 04-27-1925 x x
Smith Mildred M. Charles 39 1 255 6 02-10-1910 03-06-1967 x x
Smith Minnie Alice Balmer Edward 47 4W 51 2 03-04-1896 09-19-1992 x x
Smith Myrtle Hope Chase Fred Mem orial Build ing 04-12-1940 11-10-2019 x x
Smith continued on next page ued on next page
Smith Robert Darrel unmarried 17 1 109 8 08-25-1913 07-13-1981 x x x WWII Tiny
Smith Robert Douglas 148 12 169 4 04-30-1957 06-21-2018 x
Smith Robert Edward Martha F. 114 6 174 1 09-23-1908 01-10-1993 x x
Smith Robert Lester 37 1 246 7 04-24-1933 04-05-2020
Smith Robert M. 65 4E 179 8 11-14-1871 09-06-1950 x x drowning
Smith Samuel H. Viola 76 3E 229 2 03-26-1891 06-03-1968 x x x WWI
Smith Verla Marie Johnson Don Edward 124 6 241 4 01-21-1916 07-26-1985 x x
Smith Walter H. Eva 17 1 109 3 03-09-1865 09-18-1931 x x
Snakenberg Clarence W. Cora 33 1 211 3 10-10-1877 08-23-1938 x x
Snakenberg Cora Anne Campbell Clarence 33 1 211 4 06-08-1882 01-04-1931 x x
Snakenberg Doris Belle unmarried 33 1 211 6 07-21-1932 02-09-1951 x x
Snakenberg Everett E. Edna 58 3W 108 1 06-28-1911 05-22-1953 x x
Snakenberg Reginald D. Violet 58 3W 106 3 01-31-1903 11-14-1988 x x
Snakenberg Violet Elizabeth Menuey Reginald 58 3W 106 4 07-12-1908 08-06-1979 x x
Snook Archie P. Maudie 67 4E 185 1 07-13-1886 07-14-1948 x x
Snook Dallas D. 100 6 91 1 10-12-1973 01-11-1974 x x
Snook Delbert Leroy Mabel 66 3E 167 3 11-15-1921 06-13-2011 x x x
Snook Delbert Lyle 66 3E 167 3C 10-27-1944 01-28-2017
Snook Dusty Len 87 5 85 1 07-28-1969 12-28-1970 x x x
Snook Edith Frances Blanton Richard 67 4E 185 7 09-12-1920 12-12-1978 x x
Snook Mabel Mae 66 3E 167 4 05-19-1926 09-05-2021
Snook Maudie Blanton Archie 67 4E 185 2 07-08-1891 02-12-1970 x x
Snook Richard Frederick Edith 67 4E 185 03-02-1914 10-03-2004 x x x WWII NR Old Duke
Snook Ricky Allen 61 4E 144 2B 04-04-1968 04-05-1968 x x
Snook Robert 69 4E 196 4 00-00-1946 02-06-1946 x x x
Snook Vicki May 61 4E 144 2A 10-07-1962 10-07-1962 x x x
Sommer Gertrude Bell Joseph 15 1 95 1 07-23-1873 06-20-1924 x x 1st-Hall
Sommer Henry Hester 15 1 95 4 03-06-1844 05-23-1928 x x
Sommer Hester A. Fishborn Henry 15 1 95 3 00-00-1846 10-31-1918 x x
Sommer Joseph Earle Gertrude 15 1 95 2 07-05-1870 08-06-1926 x x
Sommers Charles F. Mina 35 1 233 1 09-09-1868 11-02-1929 x x weather related
Sommers Lenard Jackson married 35 1 233 8 11-08-1913 08-19-1963 x x x WWII
Sommers Mina C. Harper Charles 35 1 233 12 12-03-1873 12-05-1941 x x
Sommers Ralph O. 71 4E 221 9 02-23-1954 02-23-1954 x x
Somora Frances 09-01-1930 x NR
Sonora Rafael 86 3E 222 8 00-00-1885 04-13-1930 x PC
Sorensen Bonnie Kay Bloom Robert 118 6 198 4 03-23-1942 08-25-1996 x x
Sorensen James Albert Johanna 33 1 214 3 00-00-1878 06-11-1928 x x
Sorensen James Oscar 33 1 214 6 07-01-1936 07-05-1936 x x x
Sorensen Johanna M. James A. 33 1 214 4 00-00-1879 03-18-1970 x
Sorensen Niels A. 33 1 214 3B 08-17-1909 03-11-2010 x 100 yrs. old
Sorensen Robert Orville Bonnie 118 6 198 3 03-31-1936 04-15-2009 x x x Navy
Southard Henry Allan Mildred 60 3W 118 1 04-11-1923 10-06-1958 x x x WWII construction accident
Southworth Dale 00-00-1906 11-04-1913 x NR scarlet fever 7 yrs.old
Southworth Earl Louis Ida 110 6 156 2 05-30-1926 05-15-2007 x x x
Southworth Ida Mary Earl 110 6 156 08-01-1915 09-25-2004 x NR 1st-Burman
Southworth Merritt 00-00-1900 10-00-1901 x x NR 13 mos. Old
Southworth Raymond 11-18-1913 x NR scarlet fever 5.5 years
Souza Daniel David Gertrude 98 6 74 3 05-02-1913 05-15-1996 x x
Souza Gertrude Vaudine Sanders Daniel 98 6 74 4 11-06-1921 09-17-1978 x x Sandy
Soward Clarence A. Nata 44 3W 24 1 12-02-1897 06-09-1962 x x x WWI 1st-E Naffziger
Soward Frank E. Louise 33 1 220 7 00-00-1902 04-04-1975 x x x
Soward John Frederick Edith 27 1 182 3 06-08-1860 02-14-1933 x x
Soward Louise Kelly Barrett Frank 33 1 220 8 12-15-1913 07-13-1997 x
Soward Nata M. Bateman Clarence 44 3W 24 2 01-07-1903 12-24-1950 x x 1st-Jones
Soward William H. Alma 33 1 220 6 01-21-1898 02-01-1932 x x x WWI
Sowers Elizabeth Ann 118 6 204 1 05-07-1985 05-07-1985 x x x
Sowers Linda Karen Rybolt Don 118 6 203 3 07-28-1959 12-02-2010 x x
Spaeth Carl H. Rubie 34 2 97 1 05-10-1896 04-08-1975 x x
Spaeth Rubie Josephine Morris Carl 34 2 97 1B 02-23-1893 10-21-1995 x x 102 yrs
Spahn Charlotte Schmidt David 55 4W 101 3 08-01-1894 08-21-1963 x x
Spahn David Charlotte 55 4W 101 4 11-30-1893 08-04-1943 x x
Spahn Edwin 08-21-1925 x x NR whooping cough
Spangler Charley Charles Irene 195 4E 195 6 12-04-1913 04-02-2009 x x x WWII
Spangler Irene Wilhelm Charley 67 4E 195 5 08-03-1925 01-26-2006 x x
Spangler Julia K. Searles Wilbur 19 1 122 4 03-29-1919 03-19-1997 x x
Spangler Wilburn Lucien Julia 19 1 122 3 11-07-1915 12-19-1988 x x Punk
Sparks Hazel Kane Cain Oscar 86 3E 267 4 01-25-1896 09-02-1983 x x
Sparks Jerry Jr. D. 71 4E 221 8 09-05-1953 09-05-1953 x x
Sparks Oscar Dean Hazel 86 3E 267 3 03-20-1889 08-10-1971 x x x WWI
Spaulding Dana Jr. Lloyd unmarried 99 5 169 2 02-24-1918 05-15-1975 x x x WWII Moose
Spaulding Dana Sr. Lloyd Nellie 27 1 180 6 02-15-1894 08-22-1970 x x
Spaulding Gilbert Aaron unmarried 99 5 169 1 10-01-1915 12-31-1980 x x x WWII Joe
Spaulding Lillian Viola Don 68 3E 174 3 04-05-1919 09-29-1960 x MVA
Spaulding Mary Elizabeth married 27 1 180 3 12-29-1856 08-14-1950 x x
Spaulding Nellie May Myers Dana Sr. 27 1 180 5 05-27-1895 11-30-1976 x
Spaulding Richard 27 1 180 4 07-22-1928 07-25-1928 x x
Spear Fawn G. Paradise married 67 4E 193 1B 06-26-1926 09-18-2008 x
Spence Stella Leona Ragsdale William 42 3W 9 4 08-24-1911 11-26-1982 x x
Spence Travis LeRoy 73 4E 222 5 03-10-1957 04-07-1957 x x x
Spence William B. Stella 42 3W 9 3 10-15-1895 10-26-1968 x x x WWI
Spevak Katerina Anna married 17 1 105 3 03-12-1848 01-03-1934 x x
Spievak June Carol McClister Joseph 132 7 17 2 06-01-1937 06-19-1996 x x
Spiker Bradley Steven married 105 5 196 4 09-17-1962 05-25-1988 x x
Sprenger Phoebe Hirschy 15 1 94 6 00-00-1904 06-21-1988 x 1st-Moon
Stacy Nellie Marie married 85 5 66 4 09-07-1895 09-19-1973 x x Marie
Stafford Clifford J. Zazel 66 3E 169 3 11-15-1893 04-19-1973 x x x WWI
Stafford Kenneth Lawrence Colleen 66 3E 169 4 12-31-1927 06-20-1963 x x Buddy
Stafford Rodney Clifford Betsy 66 3E 169 1 12-06-1947 10-25-1974 x x
Stafford Ryan Dale 96 6 56 1 00-00-1971 03-01-1977 x x adopted name Hitt
Stafford Zazel A. Stinnette Clifford 66 3E 169 2 01-19-1902 10-21-1993 x x Meme
Stam Sarah Lucille Willis 32 2 213 1 12-23-1871 07-03-1949 x x
Stam Willis Sarah 32 2 213 2 06-01-1871 11-03-1953 x x
Stamm Benjamin 37 1 244 4 00-00-1923 10-04-1925 x x x Benjie
Stamm David 37 1 244 3 00-00-1918 00-00-1925 x
Stamm Fred unmarried 37 1 244 5 00-00-1911 07-08-1934 x x
Stamm Peter Amelia 37 1 244 1 01-02-1880 04-15-1932 x x
Stanford Frances Ruth unmarried 19 1 125 4 05-26-1917 06-02-1936 x x
Stanford Robert Theodore 19 1 125 3 00-00-1922 02-27-1940 x x
Stanford Theodore Edith 19 1 125 6 00-00-1882 07-16-1941 x x
Stang Elizabeth 39 1 256 3 06-06-1922 03-16-1929 x
Stanker Charles A. unmarried 19 1 121 5 02-10-1909 02-26-1983 x x x WWII
Stanker Edward Alexander Maude 19 1 121 3 06-05-1913 11-30-2003 x x x WWII
Stanker John 19 1 121 6 09-26-1888 10-04-1975 x x
Stanker Maude Evelyn Tugmon Edward 55 4W 98 7 09-09-1920 12-29-1987 x x Evelyn
Staples Arthur Edward unmarried 89 5 100 1 09-10-1922 01-17-2014 x x x WWII
Staples Mary Elizabeth Wambach Henry 89 5 100 2 00-00-1896 07-21-1977 x x
Starr Anna Celia Suverkrubba William 58 3W 111 3 08-20-1875 06-18-1954 x x
Starr William Joseph Anna 58 3W 111 4 08-07-1872 03-26-1959 x x
Starrett John Milton Louisa 65 4E 179 4 00-00-1872 08-01-1917 x x well accident
Starrett Louisa F. John 65 4E 179 3 00-00-1878 10-31-1948 x x
Starrs Charlene Elaine Ashenhurst Bill 62 3W 138 4 07-31-1934 08-26-2011 x x 1st-Richardson
Stauffer Edward Beulah 6 2 133 3 11-16-1872 03-01-1904 x x minister
Steeley Dorothy Darlene Dinges Harold 43 4W 22 7 10-05-1930 12-21-2022 x
Steeley Dorothy Louise Townsend Dwaine 104 6 110 3 01-07-1936 02-16-2013 x x Dottie adopted name McIntire
Steeley Dwaine Albert Dorothy L. 104 6 110 1 05-13-1930 11-23-2000 x x x Korea
Steeley Harold Henry Dorothy D. 43 4W 22 1 09-25-1925 03-25-2011 x x x WWII
Steeley Henry Mary 70 3E 194 3 06-12-1898 07-17-1980 x x 1st-Mary
Steeley LeRoy W. unmarried 63 4E 169 1 05-12-1928 02-11-1997 x x
Steeley Lucie Hildegard Kluge Henry 88 6 13 4 12-13-1903 04-06-1987 x x 1st-Renner
Steeley Mary Mitchell Henry 77 3E 194 4 11-24-1899 06-04-1964 x x
Steeley Rhonda Louise Steeley 104 6 110 2 04-23-1959 03-24-1986 x x 1st-Garver
Steidley Dehoia M. 21 1 131 2 05-09-1927 04-01-1930 x x Tiny
Stein Joseph L. 45 4W 35 2 06-10-1851 10-17-1935 x x
Steinacher Fred Marie 33 1 215 7 03-26-1897 06-01-1984 x x
Steinacher Marie Sourezny Fred 33 1 215 8 05-20-1899 10-10-1979 x x
Steinhausen Roy A. Virginia 118 6 202 1 10-03-1915 04-14-1998 x
Stellpflug David Paul 137 7 44 2 09-02-1979 05-13-2008 x
Stellpflug Floyd Charles 52 3W 74 2 09-21-1935 10-29-1951 x x polio
Stellpflug Frank Gust Rebecca 52 3W 74 4 04-20-1892 01-27-1966 x
Stellpflug Herman Chris Ulrika 50 3W 57 4 03-21-1868 04-14-1951 x x
Stellpflug Mary Anne 52 3W 74 1 05-23-1937 09-14-1937 x x reinterred from LaGrange
Stellpflug Rebecca Charlett Bonham Frank 52 3W 74 3 12-10-1900 05-23-1964 x x
Stellpflug Ulrika Wilhelmine Voss Herman 50 3W 57 3 00-00-1872 02-10-1968 x
Stephens Lon Jr. Lewis Evelyn Sue 75 5 7 3 02-28-1915 11-05-1967 x x x WWII elem./jr.hi. Principal
Stephenson Arveda Ileen Bohmont Duane 69 4E 205 5 10-30-1931 01-27-2000 x
Stephenson Duane Lee Arveda 69 4E 205 6 04-09-1931 11-23-1998 x x Korea
Stephenson Minnie Mae 69 4E 205 4 11-21-1982 NS
Stevens Amasa Harmon Bertha 43 4W 23 1 05-17-1876 04-22-1960 x x
Stevens Bertha May Campbell Amasa 43 4W 23 2 09-03-1978 05-17-1937 x x
Stevens Beverly Ann 43 4W 23 7 09-11-1942 09-11-1942 x
Stevens Homer 12 2 152 1 06-22-1900 05-10-1902 x x x
Stevens Infant Girl 12 2 152 09-19-1902 09-19-1902 x x x NR stone/daug obit/son
Stevens Jean Anderson Leland 118 6 208 2 09-02-1907 04-15-1978 x x
Stevens Leland L. Jean 118 6 208 1 00-00-1912 02-28-1995 x
Stevenson Arthur E. 12 296 1A 02-22-1940 05-29-2015 x
Stevenson Dorothy Jean Dale James 12 1 3 11-19-1927 04-26-2016 x x
Stevenson James Elbert Dorothy 12 1 1 09-15-1927 07-17-2017 x x Jim
Stevenson InfantGirl 71 4E 209 2 08-29-1960 08-29-1960 x x x
Stewart Gabriel Thomas 115 5 269 3 10-06-2001 03-13-2002 x x x
Stewart Iola Mary Ayers Yank 79 5 27 FY3 04-04-1910 01-16-2006 x x 1st-E. Jacobson
Stewart James W. Velma 66 3E 163 3 07-13-1923 03-21-1997 x x x WWII
Stieber Adolph Fredaricka 11 1 72 2 04-25-1860 05-27-1936 x NS
Stieber Fredaricka Adolph 11 1 72 1 04-02-1921 x NS 60 yrs.
Stieber George L. 11 1 70 1 03-08-1918 06-22-1918 x x x
Stieber William George Edith 11 1 70 8 09-08-1886 10-16-1918 x x influenza
Stivason Constance Lee Dawson divorced 81 5 43 2 10-30-1937 12-20-2020 x Connie1-Yeadon 2-Bailey 3-Stivason
Stockett Dennis Leroy 62 3W 132 4 07-30-1944 00-00-1944 x x x age 3 mo.
Stockett Donald Lloyd 62 3W 132 1 00-00-1941 07-13-1953 x x accidental gunshot
Stockett Eva E. Pitzer Lloyd 62 3W 132 2 05-11-1923 03-31-2013 x x
Stockett Lloyd Benjamin Eva 62 3W 132 3 03-15-1920 08-27-1997 x x WWII
Stoddart William B. married 76 3E 192 2 12-04-1883 09-15-1945 x PC NS
Stofflet Joan Eckenrode Llewellyn L 73 4E 229 5 10-26-1931 08-03-2002 x
Stofflet Llewellyn Anderson Violet 73 4E 229 3 05-22-1893 06-18-1983 x x x WWI
Stofflet Llewellyn L. Joan 73 4E 229 6 07-26-1931 04-01-1995 x x Red KYCN announcer
Stofflet Violet Elaine Harwood Llewellyn A. 73 4E 229 4 05-11-1899 03-31-1996 x x
Stoneking Edith Hilda Almquist Homer 18 2 173 4 09-10-1896 11-27-1980 x x
Stoneking Homer A. Edith 18 2 173 11 03-30-1903 03-27-1983 x x
Stoner Augusta V. 07-03-1896 x NR age 47
Story Margaret Lillian Bird Richard 97 5 146 2B 12-09-1925 12-05-2001 x x Margie 1st-Harvey
Story Richard Harvey Margie 97 5 146 2A 11-17-1920 12-10-1991 x
Strait Ambrose A. unmarried 53 4W 90 7 04-15-1883 09-22-1952 x x son of Sarah
Strait Sarah J. Cantrall Henry 6 2 13 4 06-04-1855 05-17-1934 x x rock spire marker
Straw Deena E. Judge Robert 48 3W 52 3 07-02-1905 09-23-1978 x x
Straw Robert M. Deena 48 3W 52 4 11-17-1903 12-24-1990 x x 2nd-Marie Hagman
Streed Joseph Albert Lucy 27 1 174 5 06-23-1867 04-30-1937 x x 2nd-M.Cotton
Streed Lucy A. Bowling Joseph 27 1 174 4 10-25-1870 03-09-1926 x x
Street Kathryn Ann Hester Gary 46 3W 36 4 09-13-1962 06-18-1993 x x 1st-Milke
Strickler Ella Maye Marlow Luther 13 1 82 2 03-01-1896 12-22-1986 x x
Strickler Jimmy Franklin 13 1 82 1 01-11-1922 06-24-1926 x x ptomaine
Strickler Luther Marion Ella 13 1 82 3 04-02-1893 02-02-1966 x x x WWI
Stroda John Paul 43 4W 21 8 01-23-1880 02-01-1938 x x
Strong Lester C. Minnie 64 3W 147 FT4 08-31-1908 04-24-1994 x x NS
Strong Minnie Gwendolyn Roberts Lester 64 3W 147 FT3 03-15-1913 03-14-1997 x x
Struck Juanita 40 2 116 1 03-08-1875 09-12-1921 x
Stugart Adam Jr. unmarried 63 4E 157 7 09-08-1900 06-01-1966 x x x WWII
Stugart Adam Sr. Catherine 63 4E 157 1 09-14-1869 11-29-1958 x x
Stugart Alexander Anna 126 6 254 3 12-24-1908 01-21-1990 x x
Stugart Anna Margaret Bohl Alexander 126 6 254 4 07-25-1910 05-01-2002 x x
Stugart Catherine Elizabeth Walter Adam (II) 63 4E 157 2 06-28-1879 08-31-1948 x x
Stugart Joan Luella Cook Neil 132 7 21 2 05-28-1937 11-24-2023 x
Stugart John unmarried 57 4W 116 7 10-01-1897 06-11-1944 x x x WWI
Stugart Raymond Neil Joan 132 7 21 1 11-23-1933 05-09-2013 x x Neil
Stumbough Inez Gwendolyn Erickson Virgel 108 6 133 2 06-18-1917 01-14-2007 x x
Stumbough James E. Katie 45 4W 29 4 07-08-1903 03-25-1970 x x
Stumbough Katie Helen Sturgeon James 45 4W 29 3 09-29-1905 10-23-1938 x x
Stumbough Neil Lee 25 1 168 5 12-01-1934 12-05-1934 x x x
Stumbough Steven James Marjorie 45 4W 29 6 01-10-1931 04-11-2019 x x
Stumbough Virgel Grant Inez 108 6 133 1 01-29-1907 04-13-1985 x x
Stump Helen L. Hartman married 70 3E 185 FT1 04-21-1913 09-13-1987 x NS
Stumpff Clarence R. Kathleen 73 4E 234 1 01-14-1908 06-28-1975 x x x WWII publisher Record-Times
Stumpff Kathleen Carter Clarence 73 4E 234 2 01-20-1909 12-07-1996 x x
Stumpff Sylvia 73 4E 234 8 10-06-1936 10-21-1936 x x reinterred from Torrington
Sturdivant Charles Everett Violet 90 6 22 1 04-02-1910 09-25-1982 x
Sturdivant Ilene Faye Patterson Joe 90 6 22 4 10-00-1945 08-18-2013 x x
Sturdivant Joe Evans Irene 90 6 22 3 03-29-1942 04-18-2014 x x
Sturdivant Violet Marie Charles 90 6 22 2 12-30-1911 12-09-1971 x x
Sturgeon Cicely Atkinson William T. 73 4E 228 2 11-10-1873 02-25-1948 x x
Sturgeon Earl Felix 73 4E 228 7 05-02-1909 06-29-1922 x x horse accident reinterred
Sturgeon Georgia Kate Atkinson William Sr 59 4E 142 4 05-04-1916 10-07-1986 x x 1st-C. Collins
Sturgeon Julia Prager Robert 96 6 61 4 06-03-1900 02-03-1985 x x
Sturgeon Robert James Julia 96 6 61 3 07-07-1896 11-18-1978 x x
Sturgeon Violet C. Anderson William Sr. 73 4E 228 4 06-19-1901 02-16-1963 x x
Sturgeon William Jr Sidney Miriam 73 4E 228 6 12-20-1923 11-26-1976 x x x WWII Sid
Sturgeon William Sr. Sidney Violet 73 4E 228 5 11-28-1899 01-28-1968 x x x WWII 2nd-Georgia
Sturgeon William Thomas Cicely 73 4E 228 3 00-00-1866 10-20-1953 x x
Suazo Daniel unmarried 76 3E 195 4 01-04-1930 07-11-1954 x PC NS drowning
Sullivan Jacqulyn Outhouse 43 4W 15 6 07-24-1942 11-29-1995 x x
Sullivan Jerry 82 3E 218 4 00-00-1861 01-13-1937 x PC NS
Suntych Agnes Beran Alois 55 4W 95 4 00-00-1889 05-01-1970 x x
Suntych Alois Anton Agnes 55 4W 95 3 09-11-1887 04-27-1942 x x
Suplee George Rumol Watchieka 61 4E 146 3 04-24-1896 05-24-1957 x x
Sutherland Alexander Duncan Lavina 15 1 104 1 05-16-1850 03-21-1933 x x
Sutherland Chester
Sutherland Frank Alexander Una 15 1 104 2 10-01-1875 10-10-1957 x x
Sutherland Hildred Kathyrn Fletcher William 40 2 115 6 12-27-1905 03-12-1999 x x
Sutherland J. H. 09-09-1939 x NR uncle of William
Sutherland Rodney F. Cleta 44 3W 23 2 02-06-1923 12-01-1950 x x
Sutherland Una M. Collins Frank 15 1 104 7 02-16-1887 12-03-1938 x x drafted state cosmotology bill
Sutherland William Isaac Hildred 40 2 115 7 12-21-1898 04-12-1982 x x sheriff Bill
Sutton Dorothy Ellen Pilcher James 91 5 113 3B 09-01-1914 03-22-2012 x x
Sutton James Phillip Dorothy 91 5 113 3 05-05-1916 03-10-1991 x x x WWII
Swaim Billy Floyd 55 4W 99 5B 09-06-1944 09-07-1944 x x
Swaim Lois J. Loughmiller Floyd 112 6 163 3 05-20-1917 12-20-2003 x x
Swallow Lawrence Iraine Syneve 91 5 107 1 11-23-1914 04-04-1996 x x mayor Lois Watsons twin
Swallow Syneve Barhaug Lawrence 91 5 107 2 07-31-1916 02-18-2006 x x Synie twin
Swan Augusta Maria Drube Oscar 67 4E 194 2 06-10-1891 04-24-1997 x x 105 yrs.
Swan Barnett J. Mary 14 2 158 1 05-10-1885 10-02-1965 x x 1st-Wilhemina twin
Swan Charles August Emma 2 2 122 2 12-20-1851 02-02-1923 x x
Swan Donald R. 2 2 122 3 00-00-1929 00-00-1929 x x
Swan Dorothy Marie Wallenburn Walter 67 4E 194 3 12-27-1914 09-30-1997 x x
Swan Emma Sophia Johnson Charles 2 2 122 1 06-17-1861 10-14-1910 x x 1st-Ekstrom
Swan Gustof Alex Helen 2 2 122 7 09-29-1893 02-23-1964 x x x WWI
Swan Helen Katherine Covington Gustaf 2 2 122 07-09-1905 02-22-1984 x x 2nd-M. Martens
Swan Mary Elizabeth Garrett Barnett 14 2 158 5 05-29-1902 12-05-1984 x x
Swan Neil O. 2 2 122 11 08-22-1934 01-27-1993 x x
Swan Oscar Elvirus Augusta 67 4E 194 1 11-16-1891 03-15-1947 x x
Swan Robert Gordon Pat Mem orial Build ing 10-16-1934 12-11-1999 x x x Bob
Swan Walter Martin Dorothy 67 4E 194 4 11-03-1916 12-02-2007 x x
Swan Wilhemina Henke Barnett 16 2 164 7 00-00-1890 07-30-1978 x Minnie
Swaney James T. Rosella 74 3E 213 3 03-06-1880 04-30-1961 x x
Swaney Rosella E. Rupe James 74 3E 213 4 04-28-1898 03-25-1971 x x
Swanson Donald Gene Alanna 92 6 32 3 05-29-1945 07-20-1974 x x x Vietnam MVA Gene
Swanson Donald James Marie 92 6 32 1 02-21-1919 05-24-1975 x x x WWII
Swanson Dorothy E. Johnson Raymond 74 3E 220 4 08-02-1919 05-10-1977 x x
Swanson Marie Elizabeth Young Donald J. 92 6 32 01-21-1920 12-14-1996 x x 2nd-L. Rosentreter
Swanson Raymond K. Dorothy 74 3E 220 3 05-19-1907 07-21-1976 x x
Swedberg David Arthur Darlene 106 6 123 1 01-06-1952 03-18-2000 x x x son of Gordon & Betty
Swedberg Gale Gordon Elsie 104 6 112 3 06-14-1956 05-31-1986 x x x son of G&B construction accident
Swedberg Gordon Merriam Betty 104 6 112 1 10-01-1918 06-29-2004 x x minister 2nd-M. Ringenberg
Swedberg Sylvia Betty Brooks Gordon 104 6 112 2 12-03-1919 01-30-1995 x x Betty
Swift John Clifton Gloria 136 7 48 1 09-30-1932 02-07-2011 x x x Korea
Sylvanus Dorothy Iola Lloyd 85 5 68 2 11-15-1905 04-05-1987 x x 1st-Levis
Sylvanus Lloyd C. Dorothy 85 5 68 1 04-28-1901 10-05-1970 x x
Sylvester Arnold Dean 132 7 26 1 11-13-1933 04-07-2022 x
Sylvester Arnold Elmer Mae 86 3E 267 2 06-17-1909 11-01-1991 x x Bud
Sylvester Mae F. Bennetto Arnold 86 3E 267 1 05-03-1919 05-27-1999 x x 1st-Porter
Sylvester Marilyn J. Schott A. Dean 132 7 26 2 12-30-1934 11-26-1999 x x
Sylvester Stephen D. 132 7 26 2 07-12-1955 02-03-2017 x x